NMDOH Expands COVID-19 Testing in New Mexico


A spokesperson for the Department of Health said the National Guard would help staff the sites.

People will administer their own test, but members of the guard will be there to help.

The demand for testing is overwhelming. Lines were spotted at Lovelace, Presbyterian and Expo New Mexico on Friday.

Duke City Urgent Care reached capacity at 3 p.m. Friday.

“So this week we set up two COVID testing tents to create a fast and streamlined testing process for all of our high-demand patients for Albuquerque and Los Lunas,” said Kelly Spring, director of operations for Duke City Urgent Care.

Kelly said they continually hit their testing capability, which is done on a first come, first serve basis.

“So the turnout is huge. I think all of the test sites are really used in Albuquerque,” ​​she said. “The demand is huge right now. We are able to perform 300 tests per clinic, per day. And these are PCR tests that we send to the lab.

People generally receive their results within 3 to 5 days.

Click here to find more testing sites in New Mexico


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