COVID-19 Statistics | November 30, 2020 | Lost Coast Outpost


Humboldt County Joint Information Center press release:

Forty-eight more cases of COVID-19 have been reported since Friday. A total of 898 county residents have tested positive for the virus since the start of the pandemic, with more than 300 cases reported in November alone.

Residents who have participated in high-risk activities while on vacation are urged to take precautions to avoid exposing others to COVID-19. Getting together with non-household members, even apparently healthy friends and loved ones, can be considered high risk, said Dr Teresa Frankovich, Humboldt County health officer. She added that most trips also increase risk, especially if prevention measures are not followed.

“Whether you are meeting indoors here at home or somewhere outside of Humboldt County, the safest option is to act as if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19,” he said. said Dr Frankovich. “This means you need to watch yourself and your family carefully for symptoms. If symptoms appear, get tested and isolate yourself at home until you get a negative result. ”

For more information on travel precautions, visit

The California Department of Public Health announced over the weekend that Humboldt County remains in the “purple” or rumored level under the state’s “Action Plan for a Safer Economy”. The adjusted case rate and the positivity rate are 7.7 and 2.8%, respectively. Learn more at

For the most recent information on COVID-19, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours by contacting [email protected] or calling 707-441-5000.

Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard:,
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Humboldt Health Alert:


= historical data. All data from the Humboldt County Common Information Center.

Data from CalREDIE. Unlisted postal codes experienced five or fewer cases. Postal code populations from the American Community Survey, 2018.


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