Board of Directors Receives Update on County Response to COVID-19 | New


The county watchdog received its first update of the year on the region’s COVID-19 response. It was also the first public briefing on COVID-19 for the three new board members who were sworn in last week.

The council voted to strengthen enforcement of laws on businesses and operations that do not comply with safe reopening plans and extended the Great Plates Delivered program offering free meals and income allowance programs. The Council also voted to ensure enforcement efforts are applied consistently based on scientific evidence on how and where COVID-19 is spread.

Council members also asked staff to consider whether it was possible to exclude companies that have repeatedly violated public health orders from eligibility for COVID-19 financial assistance programs.

To date, the county has received more than 17,000 complaints of health order violations, and the county’s Safe Reopening Compliance team has issued 335 cease and desist orders. Complaints of violations have grown exponentially since the region rose to purple in November, with more than half of all complaints filed in the past month.

Deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine

At present, the vaccine supply remains limited and only the San Diegans Phase 1A of the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine can be vaccinated. This primarily includes people who work in health care and employees and residents of long-term care facilities. Healthcare workers who are eligible to be vaccinated at this time are encouraged to contact their medical provider first to request vaccination.

Residents eligible for Phase 1A who cannot get vaccinated through their health care provider can book an appointment online at Appointments are limited and individuals are encouraged to check the website regularly if they cannot get an appointment immediately.

“We understand that the demand for COVID-19 vaccination is high and our community has many questions about the vaccination process,” said Nick Macchione, director of the County Health and Human Services Agency. “The county will soon be rolling out a website feature that will clarify the tiering system and allow the general public to sign up to receive notifications about when and where they can get their COVID-19 vaccine. A dashboard is also being developed that will show how many San Diegans have been vaccinated with their first and second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. “

ICU capacity and order of stay at home:

  • The current availability of intensive care unit (ICU) beds for the Southern California area is 0.0% and will be updated daily by the state.
  • the Regional stay-at-home order is in effect and prohibits gatherings of any size with people from other households and adds restrictions for several areas.
  • The order will last until the region’s ICU availability reaches or exceeds 15%.

Community-based epidemics:

  • Six new community outbreaks were confirmed on January 11: two in businesses, one in a distribution warehouse, one in a faith-based agency, one in a government setting and one in a healthcare facility.
  • In the past seven days (January 5 to January 11), 48 community outbreaks have been confirmed.
  • The number of community epidemics remains above the trigger by seven or more in seven days.
  • A community-based outbreak is defined as three or more cases of COVID-19 in one setting and in people from different households in the past 14 days.


  • 18,119 tests were reported to the county on January 11 and the percentage of new positive cases was 19%.
  • The 14-day rolling average percentage of positive cases is 13.8%. The target is less than 8.0%.
  • The daily 7-day test average is 27,474.
  • People at higher risk of COVID-19 who may or may not have symptoms should be tested. People with symptoms should get tested. Health professionals and essential workers should also be tested, as well as people who have had close contact with a positive case or who live in heavily affected communities. Those who have recently returned from travel or attended holiday gatherings are also advised to get tested.


  • 3,524 cases were reported to the county on January 11. The region’s total is now 198,319.
  • 6,313 or 3.2% of all cases required hospitalization.
  • 1,273 or 0.6% of all cases and 20.2% of hospitalized cases required admission to an intensive care unit.


  • 41 new deaths from COVID-19 were reported to the county on January 11. The region’s total is now 1,898.
  • 14 women and 27 men died between December 17 and January 10.
  • Of the 41 new deaths reported, 16 people who died were aged 80 or older, eight in their sixties, 14 in their sixties, two in their fifties and one in their forties.
  • 34 had underlying health conditions, one no and six had a pending medical history.

More information:

The more detailed data summaries found on the County website are updated around 5 p.m. daily.


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