Collective immunity to COVID-19 unlikely in 2021, World Health Organization warns


Global herd immunity to COVID-19 is unlikely to be achieved this year – even as countries rush to administer vaccines, the World Health Organization’s chief scientist warned this week.

Dr Soumya Swaminathan said on Monday it was essential for countries to continue to encourage social distancing and other public health measures for the foreseeable future.

“Even if vaccines begin to protect the most vulnerable, we will not achieve any level of population immunity or herd immunity in 2021,” Swaminathan said at a press conference.

“Even if it happens in a few pockets, in a few countries, it won’t protect people around the world.”

Experts estimate that around 70 percent of people need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.

Britain, the United States, France, Canada, Germany, Israel and the Netherlands are among the countries that have already launched vaccination programs.

But many developing countries have yet to receive vaccines, most of which have been collected by wealthier countries.

Dr Bruce Aylward, adviser to the WHO director general, urged the global community to do more to ensure that the poorest countries also receive the vaccine.

“We cannot do this alone,” Aylward said of the UN agency’s efforts to ensure that more vulnerable areas have access to the gunfire.

With pole wires


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