Orange County Seeking Volunteers for Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Sites – Orange County Register


County officials are setting up large COVID-19 vaccination sites and are looking for volunteers to help with the distribution effort.

The sites – called super distribution points or PODs – will be set up across the county and are expected to immunize thousands of residents every day. Disneyland was the first location announced on Monday, and four more are expected and will need to be occupied seven days a week, officials said.

Officials said they hoped to pre-register volunteers who will help run the sites. The county needs people with medical training, but also people who can help with general tasks such as directing traffic, entering data into computers and checking in.

When the question was posed at Tuesday’s Orange County Supervisory Board meeting on whether people could volunteer just to have early access to the vaccine, which is being rolled out in stages, the supervisor Lisa Bartlett said they were told those who signed up for at least four. 10 hour shifts would be eligible for one dose.

“The idea is to donate it to long-term volunteers,” Bartlett said.


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