The V6.31 update for Fortnite Battle Royale has introduced two new versions of the Pump Shotgun, the weapon now featuring epic and legendary variants.
Pump Shotgun has been one of Fortnite's core products since the game was released in September 2017, with players believing that its high damage rate was very popular.
Although the weapon has not been as powerful in the latest updates, Epic Games has released a weapon balancing update to make the shotguns more powerful, alongside the two new versions of the weapon on Tuesday, November 27.
Epic and legendary variants of Pump Shotgun!
The epic and legendary versions of the shotgun will join unusual and rare rifles, while tactical and heavy rifles will remain in the game. Their damage and range will be modified as part of the updated rifle balance. .
The new versions of Pump Shotgun have an updated look compared to older versions. The new weapons resembling a SPAS-12 rifle indicate that they are more powerful than their counterparts Uncommon and Rare.
The epic and legendary versions of the Pump Shotgun contain five rounds instead of two, which means that players can shoot more shots before needing to reload.
When they are shot, the epic and legendary versions of the weapon produce a sound different from that of Uncommon or Rare variants, while the scope of the weapon seems to be much longer than that of the Pump. Shotgun normal.
The epic and legendary pump guns are currently in play and you can watch the new weapon in action below.
New Shotty test of r / FortNiteBR
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