Red Dead Online is here, it is as ambitious as it is ambitious. Red Dead Redemption 2. You must also learn new things, even if you have invested dozens of hours in the campaign. In this guide, we will help you get started, explain in detail what Red Dead Online does not have and give advice on the best things to do to move forward.
It's better together
In a game called Red Dead Online, you should play together. Others are already doing it, and a group of three or four will beat a lone wolf about every time. (We are talking about experience.) We just wanted our wolf skin, but these jerks flew and killed us.
If you want the kind of solitary happiness that Red Dead Redemption 2 can offer, solo is your mode. It is better to consider Red Dead Online as the multiplayer game it is. And we'll see how you can do it below.
What can you do in Red Dead Online?
What can you do? Just about everything you can do in regular offline mode Red Dead Redemption 2 is available in Red Dead Online. You can always hunt, get your hair cut, hunt treasure and play story missions. The main difference here is that you will do this by living in the same world as other players (some of whom really want to kill you for fun).
Many missions, events and distractions are specific to Red Dead Online. These include:
- History missions. Story missions appear on your map under the same yellow circles as in the single player mode Red Dead Redemption 2. These are larger missions, sometimes in several parts, that complete the story of Red Dead Online.
- Free Roam Missions. These are the icons on your map that look like a man lighting a taxi. Free Roam missions are the Red Dead Online equivalent of Stranger missions. You will have a (relatively) simple task – sometimes with a timer to complete it – and a similar reward.
- Free Roam Events. Free Roam events are player-versus-player challenges that arise from time to time as you walk around the world. (This is in the name: you are roaming free and an event that you can join begins.) However, they are not location-based. So you receive a notification at the top left of your screen and you can opt-in.
- Race series. You will spot them on your map as a checkered flag icon. In these horse races, you will ride your horse against other types of races: lap racing (course around a determined path), point to point (from one place to another) and open races.
- Showdown Series. The showdown series appear on your map as icons with two or three people, depending on the size of the teams involved (the small teams are Showdown series and the big teams are big showdown series). This is the most traditional online game part of Red Dead Online, and they have their own section.
What you can not do in Red Dead Online
Break the game. Because it is, you know, online.
Showdown Series Events
Showdown Series events are competitive team games in which you play with strangers, your Posse (more on Posses below) or a combination of both.
At launch, there are several modes of the showdown series:
- Hostile territory. These games are zone type capture games. Your team must capture areas of the map and defend them against the opposing team.
- Make it count. One last standing, bow and arrow or throwing knives only, limited ammo match where the playing field is constantly decreasing. (It's Red Dead Online Battle Royale.)
- The most sought after. Most Wanted works much like Shootout above, but the higher your score (more casualties), the more points you will get by killing yourself.
- Name your weapon. These matches work like Shootout or Most Wanted games, but your score depends on the weapon you are using – thrown firearms are worth more than gunshot shotguns, for example.
- Shooting. This is a basic shootout, one against all, where the player with the highest number of casualties wins.
- Shootout team. Team Shootout is like Shootout, but it's a team against another.
How can work
Possessions are a way to join forces with other players. They always include a Posse Leader who puts up the Posse, but one is more hardcore than the other.
There are two types:
- Temporary Possession are free to settle, have a limit of four players and disappear when the Posse Leader leaves. Think of them as a quick and easy way to get your friends together.
- Persistent possession will cost you the currency to create, maximum of seven players, will remain after the start of the Posse Leader and will be available again each time the Posse Leader will be online. Consider them as the kind of things that serious players will create to personalize their possessions, play against other possessions and even fight against Posse Versus.
To create a posse, press to the left of the D-pad and select Posse shape from the menu. You can use the Player section of the same menu to add Posse members.
How do the camps work
Solo players have a Player's Camp, which looks like a hybrid between the gang camp in the Red Dead Redemption 2 campaign as the ad hoc camp that you can create in nature during the campaign. If you are in Posse, you will have a Posse camp.
Camps offer a safe place to rest – as long as you find and raise the White flag – access to your wardrobe, workplace and kitchen – and, even after a modernization, to quick trips.
If you buy certain items such as ammunition from the Pocket catalog (it's in your Weapon Wheel where you can press and hold left on the D-pad), they will appear in a Delivery box in your camp. (You can also pick up these shipments at a post office.)
It should be noted that other items, such as weapons, appear in your inventory or in your bags instead of being mailed.
Honor in Red Dead Online
As in Red Dead Redemption 2your actions will affect your honor in Red Dead Online. Some of these actions will be obvious – for example, leaving someone tied on the train track – while others are more subtle (but still intuitive) – like links to your horse.
Honor can affect the missions you are asked to complete. If you have kept a high honor, you will get more missions in white hat, like to protect cars, but if you tend to go beyond the laws, you will get missions such as taking out the other outlaws from prison.
The best way to earn money
Once the introductory mission is complete, press the left side of the D-pad to open the Free Roam menu. Scroll to Quick join and select History Mission on call. You are welcome to do so with our friends without friends in your Posse (aka Fireteam). These missions seem to end at four, so a full Posse for four people will not be able to participate.
We've expanded this process, which allows you to join others and play story missions, in our guide to making money in Red Dead Online, and you'll get more details on this. As a result, you will earn money by helping others, but there are limits.
In addition, do not think that getting rich will get you everything you want – almost every item in the handheld catalog is behind your level. And to gain levels, you will need XP.
The best way to earn XP
The short answer is the same as above: Keep doing story missions and stay available to match the story missions of others. You may not earn a lot of money each time, but this XP will be added.
Parley and Feuds
The world of Red Dead lends itself to some degree of anarchy. You will be shot for no apparent reason. You will be driven on the street. It happens.
But if that keep Along the way, a system is in place to help you solve the problem and bring some law to anarchy. If you and another player end up in a cycle of assassination and revenge (or assassination and grudge), you will trigger one of the following two options.
- Parley. When a player triggers this mode, you will find yourself face to face with your enemy, but you will not be able to use your weapons anymore. You have 10 minutes left to talk about your problems with your words in your mouth instead of your balls.
- Quarrel. Both players must sign up for Feuds. If both players agree, they end up in a three-minute shootout from player to player. Whoever gets the most victims wins.
The Parley or Feud option appears after you have been killed by someone four times. Once one or the other is over, you and your executioner (or the person you are tormenting yourself) can put you back to the assassination. But you'll have earlier options Parley and Feud.
Capacity cards
The Red Dead online skill cards give you, well, abilities – effects, technically. Put a card in a slot and you will get that effect.
You can buy capacity cards from the capabilities menu (found in the main menu). You will get your first free skill card during the introductory mission, and the next couple will cost $ 50 in the menu. You can also equip them (or un-equip them) from this menu.
The first ability card slot you unlock is for (and called) Dead Eye. It's active, which means you have to summon Dead Eye to use it. (Later, you'll unlock slots for passive ability cards, whose effects are still active.)
Unlike the campaign, Dead Eye does not slow down in Red Dead Online (because it's an online game that will not work). Instead, you get something like the Dead Eye that you're probably used to, but with a twist. For example:
- the Paint the black capacity card allows you to paint targets in Dead Eye.
- the Focus Fire I Capacity Card allows you and your team members to "inflict a little more damage" with Dead Eye.
- the A moment to recover a capacity card slowly regenerates your health when you use Dead Eye.
You can also increase the capacity of the cards when you win XP. (You can see the XP that you have gained by hovering over the map in the Capacity Cards menu.) Each card has three levels (or levels), and each one improves the ability.
You will unlock more places for rank 10 cards (1st pass), 20 (2nd pass) and 40 (3rd pass). You will also unlock more ability cards as you increase your rank. For example, you can purchase new Skull Ability cards at ranks 24, 44, and 50.
It seems that basically everything you do in Red Dead Online will eventually lead to an Award. Picking plants is worth a price. Eating plants is worth a price. Shooting on people earns you a prize. And the rewards become belt buckles (cosmetics, but fantastic).
Horse insurance
You will need to purchase horse insurance during the introductory mission. Technically, insurance allows your horse to "automatically recover over time if he is seriously injured". In practice, the horse for whom you buy it does not die and will not go away forever. It will heal in time.
If an uninsured horse that you own "dies", you must pay to heal it in a stable. If you have insurance, there is no charge.
It's an excellent policy. But you have to buy it for each horse, and the cost seems to be based on the quality of the horse. If you have a very good horse, it will cost you a ton of gold bullion.
Be patient
Keep in mind that Rockstar launches Red Dead Online in beta. It means things can and will go wrong. We've seen it happen, whether it's connectivity issues, loot or mission missing XP, and even a minimal endangered map.
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