The AOC says Rep. Mace only called her to try to ‘make money’


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed first-year GOP Rep Nancy Mace as a scammer cut from the same cloth as former President Trump for fundraising over the New York Democrat’s ‘fake’ experience with the riot January 6 at the Capitol.

Ocasio-Cortez was reacting to a tweet from a CNN reporter that Mace was soliciting fundraising for his “false innuendo” that Ocasio-Cortez was lying about the proximity of rioters in their neighboring offices.

“Pretty awful,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Saturday in response. “Well, it’s good to know what kind of person she is early on. It’s also good to know that Mace is cut from the same Trump fabric of dishonesty and opportunism.”

Ocasio-Cortez said he was “sad to see a colleague intentionally hurting other women and survivors for money. I thought she would get better.”

The liberal brandon then accused Mace of trying to “swindle workers” for campaign donations while still wooing corporate PAC money. “The art of cutting edge scam,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote.

Mace, RS.C., and Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., have been in a social media row all week after Mace contested Ocasio-Cortez’s memory of what happened on the 6th January when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol. .


After Ocasio-Cortez said in a video last month that she “had a very close encounter where I thought I was going to die,” Mace and others called her noting that the rioters were not never entered his office building. In an interview with Fox News Radio’s “Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla”, Mace accused her of exaggerating what happened for political gain.

Mace said his office is “two doors down from @aoc and no insurgents have stormed our hallway,” Mace tweeted of their Cannon House office building which is connected to the Capitol.

Rep.  Nancy Mace, RS.C., and Rep.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y.

Rep. Nancy Mace, RS.C., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y.

Ocasio-Cortez countered that she never said insurgents were in their hallway and pointed out that Mace herself told a newspaper that she barricaded herself in her office during the attack.

The AOC faces backlash as critics point out it was not in the capitol building during emigration

Ocasio-Cortez, who recently revealed that she is a sexual assault survivor, then accused Mace of downplaying the experience of “survivors” who might not share their stories out of shame for being trivialized.

Mace replied that Ocasio-Cortez just needs to “stop” because “you don’t know my story”.

While a South Carolina state lawmaker, Mace revealed she was raped at 16 as she urged her colleagues to make an exception for rape survivors when they debated a fetal heart rate bill.

In Mace’s fundraising email to supporters, she doubled down on the fact that Ocasio-Cortez embellished the level of danger she faced on January 6. “[U]Like AOC, I deal with facts, not fiction, ”the email read, asking for donations to“ stand up to AOC ”.

“And the point is: she was safe in her office.”


Ocasio-Cortez took extra heat for tweeting that Senator Ted Cruz, of R-Texas, “almost had me murdered” during the Jan.6 riot on Capitol Hill.

Representative Chip Roy, R-Texas, wrote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week asking her to remove Ocasio-Cortez from her “scurrileuse charge.”

Ocasio-Cortez didn’t back down and on Thursday she hosted a special session in the House for Democratic lawmakers to deliver a moving testimony about what it was like to experience the siege on Capitol Hill on January 6 to get attention on “trauma survivors”.

Fox News’ Ronn Blitzer contributed to this reporter.


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