CDC Says: Don’t Go To These 4 Places Without A Better Mask


In response to the recent emergence of new variants of COVID, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have stepped up their recommendations for wearing the mask. In addition to suggesting how to make your mask fit better to reduce your risk, the health agency is now suggesting that certain risk areas require better masks that offer superior “fit or filtration”. Read on to learn more about the CDC’s new recommendations and for another mask tip you should know, check out If You See This On Your Mask The FDA Says To Throw It Out Immediately.

Based on a new study published in their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the CDC has a few suggestions that can reduce potential exposure to COVID aerosols by up to 95 percent. Depending on the health authority, you can either “double mask” by superimposing a fabric mask over a surgical mask, or add something else on top of your mask to strengthen the outer seal and prevent air leakage or spaces, such as a mask adjuster or a sheer nylon knitted handle.

“We know universal masking works,” John T. Brooks, MD, the doctor responsible for the CDC’s COVID-19 response, recently said The Washington Post. “And now these variations are circulating … whatever we can do to improve the fit of a mask to make it work better, the sooner we can end this pandemic.”

While the CDC says there are still circumstances in which a simple cloth blanket or medical mask will continue to be sufficient, they gave four examples of destinations that warrant a mask upgrade. Read on to find out where a better mask is a must, and to find out which masks to avoid, check out The CDC Warns Against Using These 6 Face Masks.

Read the original article on Better life.


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