Wisconsin vaccine priority sparks criticism: ‘real disappointment’


Another wave of Wisconsin residents will soon be eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccines.

There is already confusion and growing criticism over who health officials believe should be given priority among the new groups.

As life turned upside down when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Sarah Knowles remained patient.

“We were confined to the house and made the most of it,” Knowles said.

When Knowles learned this week that her son Matthew might have to wait another month for his COVID-19 vaccine, his patience ran out.

“We had March 1 as that really big date to look forward to, and now it’s suddenly, we don’t have a firm date,” Knowles said.

Sarah Knowles with her son, Matthew

Effective March 1, vaccine eligibility extends to residents of Wisconsin who are enrolled in long-term Medicaid programs, such as Matthew, who suffers from cerebral palsy and cognitive retardation. The plans will also be available for people in education, essential jobs for the public and collective living spaces.

“Based on current allocation figures, it will take about two months to vaccinate these groups,” said Julie Willems Van Dijk, assistant secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

With an insufficient supply of vaccines for everyone, the state is asking vaccinators to prioritize school and childcare staff.

“Certainly these other groups in this eligibility phase are not forgotten,” said Willems Van Dijk.

To Knowles, however, it seems exactly like people like her son are being forgotten.

“The Medicaid long-term care group has a much higher risk of hospitalization,” Knowles said.

Knowles had originally planned to have Matthew vaccinated next week through the local health department. Now he is unable to take a shot.

“They just said, thank you for being an advocate for your son and we’re sorry we couldn’t change the order,” Knowles said.

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This creates more frustration for the Knowles family and for so many others who have been feeling patient for quite a long time.

“Prioritizing one group over another now, with literally three or four days to go, has been a real bummer,” Knowles said.

Knowles said Matthew’s doctor with Froedtert was also unable to bring him in next week for the vaccine because Froedtert is still working with patients 65 and older.


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