You should check the first science fiction blockbuster in China


If you have paid attention, you will probably have noticed that Chinese co-production is an emerging trend in Hollywood blockbusters. Great shark movie The mega, for example, was made with Chinese and Hollywood money and thus presented a Chinese advance (Li Bingbing) and a centerpiece on a beach in Hainan. The reasons for these projects are many and varied, but the basic idea is simple: there is a huge population of moviegoers in China and it is almost certain that the integration of your film in this market will be profitable.

China itself has a thriving film industry that dates back to Hong Kong's era of "East Hollywood," but it tends not to produce blockbuster movies in the West – this is to say extremely expensive, great action show movies that guarantee to win millions of dollars on seats around the world.

All this is only the background of a very simple recommendation: you have to go see The wandering earth, which is in some Australian cinemas now.

Made with a solid budget of $ 50 million, this adaptation of a cult science fiction writer Liu CixinThis is the first true blockbuster of science fiction in China, and I can confirm – after an absolutely packed screening session at the Sydney Cinemas event – that it is a multitude of incredible distractions and stupid. It relies heavily on the absurd and absurd science fiction concepts that are less and less the Hollywood production at the time of guaranteed cinematic franchises.

Here is the basic idea: the Sun is expanding at an alarming rate and is ready to kill us all if nothing is done to fix it. Thus, a newly established world government makes a rather absurd decision: it will tie eleven thousand rockets to the surface of the Earth, transforming the planet into a gigantic spaceship and transforming us into a new safer solar system. Stopping the Earth's rotation caused tidal waves that killed a large part of the population and the distance to the sun froze the surface, leaving the rest of humanity to snuggle into the underground cities under the so-called planetary thrusters. Problem: Earth's trajectory sends it directly to Jupiter, where it will crash.

This is the backdrop of a marginally The main plot more down-to-earth, which bounces between two astronauts on a space station that leads the wandering Earth, and a motley group on the surface of the planet who embarks on a mission to dodge Jupiter. No spoilers, but it gets very stupid.

Realized by Frant Gwo, the movie will be exceptionally familiar to anyone who has watched a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster over the last twenty or thirty years. It does not stray too far from the established model, but it is so operatic that it is impossible not to love. The special effects are also very interesting and I'm not ready to forget the image of the Earth turned into a real big-ass spaceship. Really original pictures there. Among all the shows of the crash-bang-woohoo, there are slower elements of American science fiction, more contemplative, as in contemporary films Arrival or Interstellar.

The film features some heavyweights in Chinese cinema, including a frequent martial arts hero Wu Jing, veteran artist Ng Man-tatAnd star of the viral comedy Mike Sui (which plays Sino-Australian comic relief), but let's be honest here: the screenplay and performances are about as sluggish as you'd expect from a given blockbuster. There is a beautiful description of the themes of family and global kinship, but you are here for the Jupiter show that literally sucks in the atmosphere of the Earth in a gigantic fountain and that's exactly what you get.

You will not see anything innovative in the original The wandering earthbut it's an incredibly fun mix of action-packed hits, punctuated with special effects and cool pictures. We are at a particularly interesting time for world cinema, and this film seems to be the beginning of a new wave of international blockbusters that go hand in hand with their Hollywood counterparts. For these reasons alone, your time is precious.

The wandering earth plays in some Australian cinemas.


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