Weird COVID vaccine side effects include dreams of space – CBS Denver


(CBS4) – As more and more people get vaccinated, doctors are discovering new and unusual side effects. CBS4 medical editor Dr Dave Hnida said they were linked to a response from the body’s immune system during his weekly Q&A on CBSN Denver.

“We all know the usual, a sore arm, stiffness, fatigue,” he explained. “Fortunately, serious side effects are very, very rare, maybe two-tenths of a percent of all the millions of vaccines that have been given.”

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Dr Hnida said a pattern is starting to emerge of what he called some really weird side effects that can be explained but not predicted.

“They include things like the ‘Moderna arm’ which should be referred to as the ‘COVID arm,’ first seen in people who have received the Moderna vaccine, but now it’s widespread with all vaccines.

“What’s going on here is about five to seven days after being vaccinated, you have this rash and it can go down your whole arm, the arm that you were vaccinated in. It’s an itchy rash and you’re thinking, ‘Oh my God, what’s going on? here?’ It’s really just a delayed reaction from your immune system. “

Dr Hnida says it goes away on its own within five to seven days.

He also spoke of “nickel mouth” or “metal mouth”.

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“People, literally within minutes of getting their vaccine a day or two afterwards, just taste like they have a lot of coins in their mouths, a really metallic taste.

It also has an impact on the taste of food and drink and, again, is believed to be an immune system response.

Vivid dreams, especially those about space, are also reported as a side effect. These include ‘Back to the Future’ dreams filled with hovercraft and hovering cars.

New observations show that the universe is expanding in real time and in all directions at the same time. (NASA / Getty Images)

“Fly to the moon, plant the flag on the moon.” Even someone who comes out and takes Abraham Lincoln to get a Big Mac and asks the staff to have the bills signed for him. We really think it has something to do with the immune response. They are temporary. “

Dr Hnida said the response to the vaccine could interrupt sleep cycles, especially the REM cycle we dream of.

He also said that anyone who has filler injections, such as in their lips, should be aware of the possibility of swelling after the vaccination.

NO MORE NEWS: All Coloradans 16+ will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine from Friday

“I think at the end of the day if you have something weird the most important thing to know is that you are not alone and they are usually not much of a concern. If you do something unusual and it worries you, talk to your doctor for more information. “


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