Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs require urgent attention, scientists say


coral reef

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More research is needed on the environmental impact of sunscreen on the world’s coral reefs, according to scientists at the University of York.

Concerns over the number of cancer cases due to overexposure to UV solar radiation have led to the extensive production and use of skin protection products. However, the chemical compounds used in these products can enter the environment at points of manufacture as well as during their use by the consumer.

It is already understood that UV filter compounds have toxic effects on marine organisms, but research in this area is limited and does not take into account certain variables, such as differences in environmental conditions.

Dr Brett Sallach, Department of Environment and Geography, University of York, said: “Given the declining condition of coral reef ecosystems and the many stressors they already face , it is important to identify the potential occurrence and toxicological risks associated with UV. filter exposure to reef ecosystems.

“Our research aimed to identify existing research and what gaps we had in our knowledge. It was important to understand which areas could be considered high priority for future attention in order to understand the impacts of these products and, hopefully, to prevent further damage to the environment.

“There is no doubt that products that can help protect against the harmful effects of UV rays on human health are extremely important, and therefore we need reliable and comprehensive evidence to suggest changes or a reduction in these products. “

Researchers consulted with experts and industry representatives in the field of marine UV filter exposure to understand the limitations of current research and areas requiring urgent attention.

They found that the majority of research on UV filter compounds focuses on freshwater organisms and ecosystems, and that environmental conditions can increase or decrease the response to toxic elements, making the risk of them real. compounds difficult to establish.

This research does not easily translate into the unique ecology of coral reefs, and therefore, long-term environmental monitoring would be needed in tropical and subtropical climates to understand the toxic effects here.

Yasmine Watkins, who led the work for her MA in the Department of Environment and Geography, said: “We are making four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on our consultations. with experts We need more work in the area of ​​understanding the toxicity of UV filters under different climatic conditions and long term study of exposure and recovery of coral reefs.

“We also need to know the realistic exposure to these compounds and their lifespan in the marine environment, to determine what the ‘safe’ limits are.”

The researchers aim to highlight these priority areas to better inform regulators and policy makers to improve the conservation and management of coral reefs, while ensuring that human health can continue to be protected by the products of coral reefs. UV filter.

Decline of coral: is sunscreen a scapegoat?

More information:
Yasmine SD Watkins et al, Investigation of Exposure and Impacts of Chemical UV Filters in Coral Reef Ecosystems: Review and Prioritization of Research Gaps, Integrated environmental assessment and management (2021). DOI: 10.1002 / ieam.4411

Provided by the University of York

Quote: Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs require urgent attention, say scientists (2021, March 31) retrieved March 31, 2021 from -reefs-urgent.html

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