‘Worm tornado’ baffles scientists after Hoboken, N.J. films choppy cyclone on sidewalk after rain


A BIZARRE “worm tornado” that emerged on a sidewalk left scientists perplexed.

The frightening phenomenon took place in a New Jersey park near the Hudson River with hundreds of worms forming a cyclone shape.

The `` wormnado '' formed in a park in New Jersey


The “ wormnado ” formed in a park in New Jersey
What exactly was going on baffled scientists


What exactly was going on baffled scientists

Adding to the mystery, the Worm Spiral appeared on the concrete walkway outside a condominium.

A resident of Hoboken, New Jersey, was out for a morning walk in a park near the Hudson River on Thursday, when she spotted hundreds of worms spread along the walkway, Live Science reports,

But then she noticed something even stranger – a number of worms creating a spiral where the edge of the grass met the concrete.

She noticed that there were no open pipes nearby and on a wall of a nearby building the creatures were sinking along the sidewalk and into the whirlpool.

She then sent photos of the ghost show to City Councilor Tiffanie Fisher, who tweeted the nightmarish photos of the annelid invertebrate hordes, asking, “Worm Tornado?

“Has anyone seen anything like this before?”

The whirlwind formed on a sidewalk of all places


The whirlwind formed on a sidewalk of all places

But what caused the wormnado has baffled scientists.

One of them, Kyungsoo Yoo, a professor in the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate at the University of Minnesota, told Live Science, “This form of tornado is really interesting.”

He added that while worms are known to emerge en masse from the ground after rain, he had never seen them spiral before.

Lab chief Saad Bhamla, an assistant professor at Georgia Tech, said that since it was not known what type of worms were spiraling, any conclusion about their behavior would be speculation,

Nonetheless, the theories that swirled on Twitter, including “worm breeding”, when some thought it could be a massive orgy of worms.

Others believed the worms had resurfaced en masse from the heavy rains that flooded the area.

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