Coronavirus Vaccine: After Getting Your Vaccine (s), Here Are 10 Things You Can, Cannot, Should and Shouldn’t Do


With more than 105 million coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines administered across the United States, many people feel more comfortable returning to certain “normal” activities.

But what is there to do and what is not?

Based on CDC guidelines, AARP came up with 10 Dos and Don’ts for fully immunized people. If it has been two weeks since you received your last dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, here is what is allowed and what is not allowed:

1. You should always wear a mask. Even though you are almost fully protected from COVID-19, the coronavirus is still there. And new, more contagious variants have appeared across the world. Health experts say wearing masks and social distancing are still very important in helping to slow the spread of the virus.

2. You can still get coronavirus. Even though all three approved vaccines have been touted as very effective against serious illness and death from COVID-19, there is still a chance that you will be infected with the virus.

After two doses, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be approximately 95% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 in clinical trials. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was 72% effective in US trials.

3. You can still infect someone else. Although fully vaccinated, there is still a small chance that you could be infected with the virus without realizing it. Experts say in this rare case, you could pass it on to someone who is not vaccinated.

4. You can visit your friends and family. Fully vaccinated people can congregate indoors without wearing masks or social distancing, according to new CDC guidelines.

5. No need to quarantine after exposure. If you’ve been exposed to the virus, you no longer have to quarantine yourself or get tested after exposure until you experience any symptoms, according to the CDC.

6. Keep your immunization card handy. You may need proof of vaccination to travel, work in certain industries, or attend large events, such as sports games or catered parties. If you’re interested, you can sign up for the Excelsior Pass to check your COVID-19 vaccination and access major events in New York City.

7. Traveling is still not a good idea. Even though airlines are reporting an increase in the number of travelers, the CDC still recommends that people refrain from travel.

8. Now is a good time to go to the doctor or dentist. Many Americans have delayed doctor and dentist visits during the pandemic, but now may be the time to catch up on those important medical appointments.

9. You may need a booster injection. Experts say a booster shot of the vaccine might be needed if your immunity wears off or the virus mutates so much that current vaccines no longer offer protection.

10. A return to normal probably depends on the immunity of the herd. Before full normalcy can be restored, experts say we must achieve collective immunity. This will happen when enough Americans are vaccinated to significantly slow the spread of the coronavirus. Experts don’t expect to reach that point until at least summer – and it could take until early 2022.


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