High speed solar storm approaching Earth; can interrupt cell phone, GPS signals: The Tribune India


Tribune Web Office
Chandigarh, July 11

At a speed of 1.6 million kilometers, a powerful solar storm is approaching Earth. The storm will hit Earth on Sunday or Monday.

A report from Spaceweather.com claims the storm originated in the Sun’s atmosphere. This would have a significant impact on the region of space dominated by the Earth’s magnetic field.

“SOLAR WIND IS ARRIVING: Later today, a high speed solar wind flow is expected to hit the Earth’s magnetic field. Flowing from an equatorial hole in the sun’s atmosphere, the wind speed could reach 500 km / s. Full-blown geomagnetic storms are unlikely, but lesser geomagnetic disturbances could trigger high latitude auroras. Aurora alerts: SMS Text. Reads the post on their website.

Due to the solar storm, there will be a fascinating view of the celestial lighting for people living at the North Pole or the South Pole.

Spaceweather.com added that Earth’s outer atmosphere could be heated, due to solar storms, which could have a direct effect on satellites.

It may cause interference with GPS navigation, cell phone signal and satellite TV. The current in power lines can be high, which can also cause transformers to explode.

According to the US space agency NASA, the speed of the solar storm could increase by 1.6 million kilometers per hour.


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