Vaccine passports for UK ‘autumn wave’ ads


With the supposed aim of increasing vaccination among young Britons, the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson is said to seek to impose vaccine passports for pubs, restaurants and clubs by the fall.

After a year of back-and-forth over the issue of the use of vaccine passports nationally, the UK government is reportedly looking to put in place a system that would require proof of dual vaccination for Britons to enjoy a lifetime social.

“In the fall, vaccine passports could become an important tool that will allow us to keep things open,” said a Downing Street insider. Time.

Another government source added, “If we can show real benefits from getting vaccinated in everyday life, it could be a very useful tool. “

While Cabinet Minister Michael Gove categorically denied that the government would force citizens to show health documents nationally in December, the issue stubbornly remained on the table.

The review of the issue – led by Mr Gove – said this week that the government would have consider implementing vaccine passports if England faces “a difficult situation in autumn or winter”.

There has been widespread opposition to the use of vaccine passports nationwide, with business leaders, church leaders and politicians from both Conservative and Labor parties speaking out against the program.

According to Time, government sources said they were reluctant to include a health card warrant when the lockdown restrictions were scheduled to be lifted this month, as it could lead to discrimination against young people, who have no may not have had the opportunity to be stricken with the Chinese virus.

Yet by mid-September, the government estimates that everyone over 18 in England will have had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated, and therefore vaccine passports in pubs and other places where social distancing is not possible could. be on the cards.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said earlier this week that while he would not seek to impose such a program, companies would be free to require customers to demonstrate their vaccination status, echoing previous proposals from the Minister of Nadim Zahawi vaccines.

The latest turnaround on the issue of vaccine passports comes amid a broader call from the scientific establishment to keep lockdown restrictions in place, amid growing cases of the Indian variant (Delta) of the virus.

While deaths have remained relatively low, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has warned that the UK is “already in the throes of a third wave” and that “there is no doubt things will get worse before that. to improve “.

Calling on people to remain masked after the expected lifting of restrictions, the group said in a statement: “The Royal Colleges of Medicine, as the professional voice of physicians, believe that continuing to be careful is the right thing for them to do. individuals and organizations. “

Earlier this week, it was reported that England’s Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty had told government ministers not to expect a return to normal until next spring, and that the government should prepare for a “fairly difficult winter”.

The government has also called on people not to remove the NHS Track and Trace app, which has been hinted at as a possible platform for vaccine passports.

“The Prime Minister has made it clear that he continues to use it. We continue to ask people to isolate themselves if asked to do so through the app, ”the Prime Minister’s spokesperson said on Friday.

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