6 Fully vaccinated infected with the Delta variant of Covid-19


Fully vaccinated against Covid-19? Attending an outdoor wedding? Absolutely nothing to worry about, right?

It would be wrong, wrong as a bathroom gong.

A pre-print uploaded to MedRxiv described a Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak involving the Delta variant at an outdoor wedding near Houston, Texas. The epidemic, which occurred in April, showed that while the available vaccines against Covid-19 may offer good protection against Covid-19, the protection is not perfect. As long as the pandemic continues, it’s best to maintain multiple layers of Covid-19 precautions when you can.

The wedding took place outside in a large outdoor tent. The wedding was attended by 92 participants, all of whom must have been fully vaccinated before the event. The first to fall ill were a man and a woman who had traveled from India. The man had no medical problems and the woman was diabetic. Both had tested negative for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) before boarding the plane and had traveled to Houston 10 days after receiving their second doses of the Covaxin BBV152 vaccine. , manufactured by Bharat Biotech.

Although the woman felt some fatigue on the first night of the wedding, she attributed it to diabetes and jet lag. However, the man and woman eventually developed symptoms within days of the wedding and then tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 four days after the wedding. On the sixth day after the wedding, the man was hospitalized, where his condition continued to worsen. Sadly, he finally passed away a month after the wedding.

Four other guests who had interacted with the man and woman also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Two of those guests had been fully vaccinated with the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccine and two with the Moderna Covid-19 mRNA vaccine. One of the guests who had received the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine was a man in his 60s who had no medical problems. He eventually developed severe symptoms, had to be admitted to Baylor St. Luke Hospital, and received Regeneron monoclonal antibody infusion therapy. Other than the two marriage participants who were hospitalized, the pre-impression does not reveal what exactly happened to the other four marriage participants who developed symptoms.

That’s not to say the Covid-19 vaccines haven’t helped. The epidemic could have been even worse if people had not been vaccinated. Six out of 92 still represent only about 6.5% of all participants.

Of course, a pre-print is not the same as a peer-reviewed publication in a respectable scientific journal. The authors of the pre-print (Timothy Farinholt, Harsha Doddapaneni, Xiang Qin, Vipin Menon, Qinchang Meng, Ginger Metcalf, Hsu Chao, Marie-Claude Gingras, Paige Farinholt, Charu Agrawal, Donna M. Muzny, Pedro A. Piedra, Richard A. Gibbs, Joseph Petrosino) were from Baylor College of Medicine, which is certainly a well-established medical institution. However, anyone who has better computer and internet skills than the average squirrel can download a manuscript from MedRxiv. Note that I said medium squirrel and not all squirrels. Plus, that doesn’t mean any of the Baylor College of Medicine team members were a squirrel. It could be crazy. Either way, take whatever is written in that preprint with a fanny pack of salt until it’s peer reviewed.

Nevertheless, an epidemic is an epidemic. And the story of this epidemic is not surprising. This marriage epidemic would be further proof that while vaccines can offer good protection against Covid-19, they are not perfect. They are not like concrete whole body condoms. They do not offer 100% protection. You can still be infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus.

Likewise, while having a rally outside may further reduce your risk of getting infected or transmitting the virus, it may only protect you to a certain extent. The Covid-19 coronavirus is not like a vampire. It does not ignite in the sun. The outdoors can help reduce the risk of transmission because the wind can be like a gigantic fan.

Keep in mind that outdoor conditions can vary widely. If someone told you ‘let’s go outside in our bikini and mankini’ you would have additional questions such as what exactly the conditions are and please describe the mankini in more detail. Likewise, just because an event takes place outside does not mean that it is safe.

For example, there is a difference between being outside in relatively calm air and being in a NASA wind tunnel or a tornado. When someone tells you that a gathering will be held outside, ask for more details. Seeing words like “the NASA wind tunnel” or “the tornado” in the “Location” portion of the wedding invitation may provide more assurance that conditions will be safer from a Covid-19 perspective. However, such conditions could wreak havoc when launching the garter and wedding bouquet. Someone in the following state can end up catching them.

As long as the pandemic continues and the Covid-19 coronavirus continues to spread, it is best to overlap several interventions at a time. Think about it. You don’t tend to ask, “Should I wear underwear or pants to the job interview while it’s snowing?” The answer is usually ‘wear both at the same time’ unless you are interviewing for the film. Commando but misread the job posting. Several layers of protection are necessary when each layer has holes, when no one layer is sufficient.

So if you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, so much the better, your chances of developing more severe Covid-19 are much lower. They are not bad, however. Your risk always depends on whether the people around you are fully vaccinated.

If everyone around you is also fully vaccinated, so much the better, it further reduces your chances of catching the Covid-19 coronavirus. However, the risk is not zero. Your risk always depends on what you do with others. For example, a game of Twister may not be a good idea. A game of Twister in a dungeon can be an even worse idea. The exterior, in general, would generally be better than the interior. But even outdoors, know the real conditions and take whatever precautions you think are reasonable, such as keeping your distance when possible.

Remember that fully immunized means protected. But that does not mean that it is a fully protected or fully concreted body.


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