Output: Climate change. In: Flickering Moon – HotAir


We are again warned of the looming dangers, especially for coastal regions, as sea levels rise and the tides get stronger and stronger. Normally the next two words after such a dire forecast would be “climate change”, but now a different cause is given. The moon will begin to “wobble” more in its orbit over the next decade, exerting greater gravitational pull on the oceans, so the tides will continue to rise for the next ten years before slowly starting to recede again. When you combine these accelerating tides with higher ocean levels (that’s the part they’ll blame on climate change), it should be bad news for people living near the coasts. So I guess we should address the key issue of this report. Why is the moon flickering more and how can this be blamed on the Tories? I doubt we’ll end this conversation without someone blaming the lunar hydraulic fracturing program. (CBS News)

New study from NASA and the University of Hawaii, published recently in the journal Nature Climate Change, warns that upcoming changes in the moon’s orbit could lead to record flooding on Earth over the next decade .

By mapping scenarios of sea level rise, flood thresholds and astronomical cycles of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the researchers found that flooding in U.S. coastal cities could be several times worse. in the 2030s, when the moon’s next “swing” is expected to begin. . They expect the floods to significantly damage infrastructure and displace communities.

Being someone who really enjoys space science, I was surprised to learn about this phenomenon. I had never heard of it before, but the moon apparently has an oscillation rhythm known to astronomers since the 1700s. The oscillation increases for 18.6 years, then decreases for the same amount of time. We are just emerging from one of the low oscillation cycles, so it will increase again until the end of the 2030s.

The change is not uniform, however, as the moon’s gravity pulls the oceans back and forth. Thus, during this period of higher oscillation, the high tides are higher, but the low tides are lower. In the other half of the cycle, the tides are removed so that the total difference between high tide and low tide decreases.

NOAA predicts that during certain periods of alignment between the Earth, Moon and Sun, some of this flooding could occur every day for up to a month. Also, if you are unlucky enough to be hit by a hurricane causing a storm surge that peaks at the same time the high tide arrives, the impact will be multiplied. This effect is expected to be felt all over the world. But what about all those terrible warnings about massive flooding? Something doesn’t sound right.

Since this happens on a regular basis, why haven’t we seen all this devastation from the late 80s to the early 2000s? (This was the last period of increased lunar oscillation.) Apparently we did, but no one noticed any of it. According to NOAA, average sea level has risen six to eight inches over the past 100 years, about half of it since 1933. It’s not even a foot. Even if we give them the benefit of the doubt and say the oceans will rise another four inches by then, that means the average high tide should still be less than a foot below what it was at the top of the sea. last cycle of oscillation in the 90s.

What difference will half a foot make? I’m not saying we shouldn’t plan ahead, of course. The next decade may be a good time to start investing in raising sea walls along the coast. Concrete is still not that expensive, so it should be a manageable problem for generations to come. But if these numbers are correct, NOAA and NASA seem to paint a much darker picture than warranted.

But just to be on the safe side, we should probably still consider demolishing New Orleans and moving it about 100 miles higher up the river.


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