Daniel Radcliffe, star of "Harry Potter", says that he drank to make a reputation


Harry Potter The star, Daniel Radcliffe, revealed that he had a habit of getting drunk in adolescence to deal with the tremendous fame associated with the wizard's game.

In an interview with Off camera Radcliffe said Tuesday that he sometimes had the impression, by the end of his teenage years, of looking at him – something that he could have had in his head – and that he did not know not how to do it properly at that time.

"In my case, the quickest way to forget the fact that you are being watched is to get drunk," he said. "And as you get very drunk, you realize that's" Oh, people are looking over now because now I'm getting very drunk, so I should probably be drinking more to ignore that anymore. "

Radcliffe, who has championed other child stars who have experienced fame on a grand scale, said there was no plan for young celebrities trying to succeed in the world.

"It's like when people were trying out Justin Bieber and drag racing cars. I thought, yeah, but you know, I do not know, it could be very crazy for him right now.

the Harry Potter Star said it had taken a few years and a few attempts to break with his drinking habit. He credited the people closest to him for helping him through this period.

"In the end, it was my own decision," he said. "As if I woke up one morning after a night saying," This is probably not good. "

Radcliffe says that he does not fail to drink and that he is much happier now.

He made it clear that he loved the job a lot and that he never wished that his life unfolded differently.

"Even at the lowest, I still loved my job as much," said the actor. "I loved going to the decor, and there's never been a day where my own [feelings] That would have an impact on the way I was on the set, there was never a time when I thought to myself, "Oh, I would like it not to be it to me arrived, I would also like not to be Harry Potter. "

"It did not happen."

You can watch the complete interview of Radcliffe below.


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