New Santa Clara County Dashboard Shows Coronavirus Case Rate By Vaccine Status


The coronavirus case rate for unvaccinated people in Santa Clara County is about four times that of those who have been vaccinated against the deadly virus.

According to the new county scorecard, the case rate – the total number of cases on a given day per 100,000 people – is 25.3 for unvaccinated residents and 6.8 for vaccinated residents.

With the highly transmissible delta variant spreading rapidly throughout the Bay Area, data shows an alarming increase in infections, especially among those who haven’t. About a month ago, the case rate for unvaccinated people hovered around 3. The numbers also show a spike in cases among vaccinated county residents, up from a case rate of around 1 in early July, a trajectory disturbing that has led to new vaccine requirements from many employers and universal mandates for indoor masks.

More than 1.3 million people in the county are fully immunized, and nearly 103,000 other residents are partially immunized. Vaccinations in California also appear to be up, up 54% from a low in early July.

“Vaccines are always great for protecting against serious illness and death. They also offer significant protection against infection, although perhaps not as effective against the delta variant, ”George Han, the county’s deputy health worker, said in a statement.

Almost 80% of Santa Clara County residents aged 12 and over are fully immunized, one of the highest rates in the country. But authorities are trying to increase vaccination rates in a bid to protect those who cannot yet get vaccinated, including young children who are returning to class for the new school year.

The county said it was working to collate similar data for hospitalizations and deaths, but about eight or nine in 10 COVID-19 hospitalizations involve unvaccinated people, with nearly everyone infected with the delta variant.


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