News from Russia: what you missed over the weekend


Media repression

Russia added independent broadcaster Dozhd and investigative site Important Stories (iStories) to its register of “foreign agents” and an association of independent journalists on Friday.Fourth Sector” The next day.

Police arrested at least nine independent media journalists in central Moscow on Saturday to protest the government’s crackdown on independent media.

‘Clear message’

Britain and the United States on Friday sanctioned seven Russian officials on the first anniversary of the near-fatal poisoning of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, whom the West blames on Moscow.

The individuals – all members of the Russian internal security service the FSB, successor to the KGB – are now facing asset freezes and travel bans under sanctions.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy

Volodymyr Zelenskiy

Problematic, painful point

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Sunday warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the soon to be completed Nord Stream 2 pipeline carrying Russian gas to Europe was “a dangerous geopolitical weapon”.

The comments came as the two leaders last met in Kiev before Merkel left after 16 years in power next month and days after her last talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Friday prayers

At least 600 mosque worshipers arrested over passport checks and collection of biometric data in the city of Kotelniki, Moscow region, lawyers say Recount state media late Friday.

Other media, citing eyewitnesses and lawyers, said officers interrupted Friday prayers and blocked worshipers inside the mosque, in some cases demanding money in return for their release.

One of the Kuril Islands, Russia Anatoly Gruzevich, VNIRO Russia

One of the Kuril Islands, Russia
Anatoly Gruzevich, VNIRO Russia

asylum swimmer

Russian man swam 20 kilometers to Japan from disputed Kuril Islands to seek political asylum, state media say reported Sunday following reports in Japanese media that the man had been detained in Hokkaido.

Authorities of the Yuzhno-Kurilsk city administration noted the refugee was from the Urals and had received free land on the Kuril Island of Kunashir as part of Russia’s program to revive its Far Eastern region.

Includes AFP reports.


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