Australia Covid Live News: NSW Confirms 919 Cases, Two Deaths; Victoria reports 45 cases; Qld Suspends Hotel Quarantine | Australia News


You know that the powers of state governments are not more powerful than the Delta strain of the virus, and they are not more powerful than the vaccine.

What is needed for the health and safety of people across the country, whether they are in Tasmania, or New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, is to have the population vaccinated, and the national plan provides the incentives, which says you get vaccinated then you can open up the country, people can start connecting all over the country again, move around, our growing economy, people go back to work, can’t see their reduced hours, and I can go ahead with certainty.

And then a state like Queensland, in particular, where you have so much that depends on the tourism industry, both nationally and internationally.

Getting the vaccine, putting the plan in motion is the best plan to get Queensland moving, and you can’t sort of get out of that, you have to move in there.

I understand the concerns. I understand that the people of Queensland might be worried listening to us at this time. But what’s happening is that there are cases and that’s what we’ve been working on. This is a very careful plan, which took months to prepare.


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