CM Punk appearance, Chris Jericho


Welcome to AEW’s live coverage from Wrestling Inc. Dynamite, starting at 8 p.m. ET at UWM Panther Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Let others know about our coverage by quickly retweeting this page or sharing it on social media.

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Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy

Light kicks against “Delete” from front to back to start tonight’s opener. They continue until Hardy puts his hands in his pockets and pulls out a bunch of dollar bills. Cassidy with a dropkick and the bills fly away. Cassidy with a suicide dive, caught in midair, Hardy has a side effect on the ground. Hardy wraps Cassidy around the ring post. Back in the ring, Hardy with a couple on the suplex side. Hardy ends up grabbing all the dollar bills and putting them back in his pockets.

Hardy pokes fun at Cassidy with a few light back kicks, a body kick, an elbow, a blanket, a two-count. Hardy focused on Cassidy’s back. Hardy gets his head banged against a few tensioner pads, tries to take a break on the beach, but his back is hurting too much right now. Hardy with a splash, pin, two stroke mountain powerbomb. Hardy looks for the spell, Cassidy backs up and throws Hardy to the ground. He then performs a suicide dive and sends Matt back to the ring. Cassidy walks up, lands a big splash, wringing the DDT, blanket, 1-2-no.

Hardy opened badly after this sequence of movements. Both on the second rope, Cassidy with a flurry of punches, pushes Hardy away. Cassidy puts her hands in her pockets and nails Hardy with a senton bomb. He makes a few lazy “Delete” taunts. He tries his luck, but Hardy gets him in the corner. Hardy at the second rope with a back bend, blanket, two. Hardy tries the spell, no Cassidy hits him instead, cover, two! Cassidy tries the orange punch, no, Hardy looks for his submission finisher, Cassidy fights, makes a pin sitting with her hands in her pocket for the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy via Pinfall

– Malakai Black says he agrees with Arn that Brock Anderson is overwhelmed tonight. Black tells Brock to wait for the bell, get out of the ring, and take the defeat. Brock will then say “I’m sorry”. Black says Brock can then go to the back and talk to his father about all of this. He continues if that changes, he will take out Brock and anyone associated with The Nightmare Family.

– Chris Jericho goes to the ring to talk about his future. Jericho takes the mic and says everyone celebrated this week in pro wrestling, everyone but him because he lost to MJF. It wasn’t only the third time he lost to MJF, but he gave up. Jericho says it bothers him so much that he’s lost sleep over it and still strives to stay on top. He says it drives him crazy that he can’t beat MJF. He says this will continue and will continue after MJF. Jericho offers a proposal to All out for one last game. He asks MJF to come out, but MJF doesn’t. Jericho says that if he can’t beat MJF, he might not belong to AEW anymore.

Jericho says if MJF beats him, he’ll go to the commentary table, full time, on Carnage and he will never wrestle in AEW again. He wants an answer, listen to the music of MJF. MJF is dating a “MJF – 3, Jeriblow – 0.” MJF says he just wants Jericho to leave him alone, “go away!” MJF says he sees through Jericho, Chris saw MJF’s meteoric rise in AEW, and he was looking for the pinch of the fastest rising star in wrestling. MJF continues that he vowed to himself last week that he would never fight Jericho again. However, to say that he was the one who could say he ended Jericho – it’s legendary. “Do you want the game? You got it! “MJF said Jericho should really consider this since he’s lost three times already.” I’m better than you, and you know that. “

– The Varsity Blonds are getting ready for their tournament game. Griff Garrison says they’re family and they understand Jurassic Express is AEW’s most athletic tag team tonight. Pillman Jr. says his bond with Garrison is close and they’ll win tonight to face the Champions at All out.

Lucha Bros with Alex Abrahantes vs. Varsity Blonds with Julia Hart (AEW Tag Title Eliminator Tournament Match)

The Young Bucks take the stage to watch the game. Garrison and Fenix ​​get things done. Fenix ​​tries to use his agility to avoid Garrison. Griff tries a big boot, Fenix ​​with the nice dodge. The two wrestlers shut up and laugh at each other. Penta is really working on Pillman with a flurry of strikes. Pillman coming back in this one. Penta ends up on the apron and searches Garrison for a piledriver. Penta on the ground. Pillman tries to steal, but Fenix ​​pulls him out. Double superkicks on Varsity Blonds. Fenix ​​then performs an assisted suicide dive on both opponents.

Back in the ring, Pillman managed to get a big stack on Fenix, blanket, two. Garrison nudge the springboard, blanket, Penta the breeze. Penta with a superkick to Garrison, then eats a punch. Fenix ​​and Penta with Pillman superkicks, then stereo superkicks. Piledriver from package assisted on Pillman, blanket, and it’ll do.

Winners: Lucha Bros via pinfall to advance to the final against Jurassic Express on Friday Carnage

– After the match, Jurassic Express (who was watching the crowd) steps into the ring to face his next opponents. The elite also make their way to the ring and end up pushing Jurassic Express into the Lucha Bros. Matt and Nick jump onto the apron, but end up getting kicked off the apron. Fenix ​​and Jungle Boy with two suicide dives in the fields.

– Andrade’s quick promo on PAC, he said on September 5th, they’ll find out who the best wrestlers are.

– AEW Women’s World Champion Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander is announced to be official for All out.

Jamie Hayter with Britt Baker and Rebel vs. Red Velvet

Red Velvet comes just after Hayer with his speed. Velvet with a dropkick, but that doesn’t seem to affect Hayter. Jamie lands with a big forearm then kicks Velvet around the corner. Velvet low bridge, Hayter lands on her feet, but Velvet hammers her with a suicide dive. She returns to the ring and hits another on her opponent. Rebel and Baker put themselves in Velvet’s face long enough for Hayter to bring one knee to her abdomen and throw her against the ring post.

Baker then whips Velvet into the ring post, then the barricade as Hayter grabs the referee’s attention. Hayter with all the momentum as they step back into the ring. The two throw big punches in the middle of the ring. Hayter with a back elbow against the ropes, but then takes one to Velvet. Velvet with a few clotheslines. Velvet with a face buster. Baker on the apron, but Velvet pulls her out. Hayter dodges a Velvet move, hits a backbreaker on his knee, huge lariat, blanket, 1-2-3.

Winner: Jamie Hayter via Pinfall

– After the game, Baker and Hayter trample Velvet. Executes Kris Statlander. She punches and kicks Rebel and Hayter out of the ring. Statlander looks for a move on Baker, but she fights and runs to the ground. Statlander grabs the title (while playing his music) and waves the title.

– Behind the scenes, Dark Order talks about recent obstacles. Uno noticed that some of them weren’t in the ring a few weeks ago during their match. Uno says they should help each other! Alex Reynolds laughs and says that’s not what they did for Hangman Page. Uno says they need to honor what Page wanted and maybe Reynolds needs to step back and be in John Silver’s shadow. Reynolds is on top of it all and leaves with Silver. 10 is not happy with Uno as he apologizes for crossing the line.


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