The flu season is here – and it's far from over. Influenza activity is high in Georgia and 29 other states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are six things to know about this year's flu:
Influenza activity remains high in Georgia. After a recent spike, influenza activity in Georgia has decreased but remains high. After influenza rates rose sharply before Christmas, they dropped and then began to rise again in recent weeks. Since the start of the influenza season in early October, the disease has killed 15 people in Georgia – 14 adults and one child. And there were 1,147 hospitalizations in the Atlanta metropolitan area because of flu symptoms.

The kids at the Kids R Kids Learning Academy daycare wash their hands after lunchtime at the Marietta center on this December photo archive. (ALYSSA POINTER / [email protected])
(The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
Nevertheless, this season announces a lot softer than last year. The 2018-2019 influenza season is relatively mild. The severe 2017-18 influenza season in Georgia claimed the lives of at least 154 people throughout the state and resulted in more than 3,000 hospitalizations in the Atlanta metropolitan area. Local health officials have described the most serious epidemic for decades.
There is still time to get vaccinated against the flu. Influenza activity tends to peak between December and February but may last until May. Even if a flu vaccine does not protect you or your family from influenza, people who get vaccinated usually have fewer days of symptoms, fewer severe symptoms and are less likely to need medical attention.

Exterior of the Carolinas MED-1 (right), a mobile medical facility located outside the Marcus Trauma and Emergency Room at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. The mobile unit helps to cope with the influx of influenza cases. (ALYSSA POINTER / [email protected])
(The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
A circulating strain may not have all the symptoms. An influenza strain in circulation may be more difficult to diagnose. Some patients are positive for the strain with only fever and no other symptoms, which can complicate the diagnosis. Doctors say fever should not be taken lightly. The CDC recommends that anyone with fever stay at home for at least 24 hours after leaving (except for medical attention or other necessities). The fever should be left for at least 24 hours without the use of a fever reducing medication, such as Tylenol.
MORE: When you go back to school or work if you have the flu
People should always have good health, but this is especially important right now with the flu. Hand hygiene must be practiced by all. Wash your hands and those of your children frequently, especially after coughing or sneezing. You can also use an alcohol-based disinfectant to keep your hands clean. Cover your cough and sneezing with the inside of your elbow or a tissue paper that is then thrown away.
Taking care of yourself can help prevent the disease. To help your immune system be fit enough to fight the flu and other germs, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise.
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