State legislative elections reach decade high – Ballotpedia News


Welcome Thursday, September 2, Brew. Here’s what to expect at the start of your day:

  1. Competition between major parties in state legislative elections peaks in ten years
  2. Federal Register nearly 50,000 pages
  3. Redistricting Roundup: Illinois Legislature enacts revised district boundaries, Ohio holds more public hearings

Competition between major parties in state legislative elections peaks in ten years

Of the 220 state legislative seats up for election this year in New Jersey and Virginia, 93% will feature a Democrat and a Republican on the general election ballot this november.

It’s the highest percentage of state legislative seats contested by the two main parties at any time in the past decade. It is also the first electoral cycle since at least 2010 where more than 90% of the legislative seats of candidate states nationwide have been contested by the two main parties.

This increase in competition among the major parties is largely due to an increased level of competitiveness within the Virginia House of Delegates over the past decade.

In 2011, less than half of the seats in the chamber were contested by the two major parties. In 2017, the chamber began to become more competitive when Democrats contested 57% more seats than in 2015. Democrats and Republicans continued to increase their contested seats in 2019 and 2021.

In contrast, the New Jersey state legislative elections were characterized by higher levels of competition among major parties throughout the decade. The two main parties contested at least 90% of the seats in each cycle of state legislative elections from 2011 to 2021.

In the New Jersey General Assembly, no Republican has run unopposed since 2017. The highest number of uncontested seats in the chamber came in 2015, when eight seats, or 10%, were effectively guaranteed to the House. one of the two main parties.

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Federal Register nearly 50,000 pages

The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of the overall regulatory activity of an administration, taking into account both regulatory and deregulation actions. We periodically inform you of its status. Here is a recent report.

From 23 to 27 August, the Federal Register has grown by 1,344 pages for a total of 48,294 pages since the beginning of the year. At this point in President Donald Trump’s (R) first year as President, the cumulative total for the year was 40,666 pages.

The last weeks Federal Register the additions included the following 611 documents:

  • 495 Reviews
  • Two presidential documents
  • 52 proposed rules
  • 62 final rules

Ballotpedia maintained the number of pages and other information on the Federal Register as part of its Administrative State Project since 2017. Click below to learn more about how the Federal Register went from the Trump administration to the Biden administration.

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Redistricting Roundup: Illinois Legislature enacts revised district boundaries, Ohio holds more public hearings

The Illinois House and Senate approved the state’s new legislative limits in a special session on August 31.

The maps, which passed 73-43 in the State House and 40-17 in the State Senate, revised legislative redistribution plans passed in June before the US Census Bureau released the data to the block level of the 2020 census on August 12. Illinois was the second state to pass new legislative maps.

For reference, following the 2010 census, Governor Pat Quinn (D) signed a redistribution law on June 3, 2011.

Two lawsuits challenging the 2021 cards were consolidated in a federal district court on July 14. The plaintiffs – the minority leaders of the Illinois House and Senate and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund – argued that the redistribution plans did not ensure that the districts had substantially equal populations because they used the American Community Survey (ACS) data instead of the 2020 census. The trial is scheduled to begin Sept. 27.

In Ohio, the state redistribution commission ruled on August 31 that it would hold three additional public hearings before approving the proposed maps, as opposed to the only public hearing required by law.

The commission did not approve the state’s new legislative districts before its original September 1 deadline. The final deadline is September 15th.

Representative Bob Cupp (R), co-chair of the commission, said the late release of census data caused the delay of the commission. He estimated that the cards would be formally offered in 10 to 12 days.

The Ohio Redistribution Commission is made up of five Republicans, including Gov. Mike DeWine (right), and two Democrats.

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