Mountain View Police Officer Rescues Choking Baby Outside In-N-Out | New


A quick-witted Mountain View police officer rescued a choking and unresponsive infant on Monday, performing CPR to resuscitate him and prevent him from choking.

Constable Garcia gives chest compressions to a choking baby. Courtesy of the Mountain View Police Department.

Police said in a declaration Officer Garcia was writing a report of a separate incident around 7:45 p.m. on Thursday when the service received a call that a little boy was choking across the street at the In-N-Out Burger on the ‘avenue Rengstorff.

Garcia ran to the restaurant and found the baby was not breathing or moving, police said. He gave the infant chest compressions for several minutes until the baby could breathe again. Mountain View fire crews followed up before transporting the child to a nearby hospital.

The baby has since recovered and is back home, police said.

“I am so proud of the swift action that has been taken to help this smallest inhabitant of Mountain View,” Police Chief Chris Hsiung said in a statement.


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