Million doses of Moderna coming as outbreak accelerates in Victoria


Prime Minister Daniel Andrews has said he will detail his roadmap out of lockdown and towards a full vaccination rate of 80% within a week.

Andrews said ministers will receive more models from the Burnet Institute in the coming days, and that next week’s major announcement will include information on mandatory vaccination and which businesses can open and when.


He had previously promised that once the state reaches 70% of the eligible population who received their first vaccination, there would be an extended travel limit of 10 kilometers, a three-hour exercise limit, and personal training. outdoor and private property inspections would return. .

“We will publish the modeling and talk about it in detail,” Andrews said.

“We aim to keep all the commitments we announced, I don’t have a crystal ball. I can’t guarantee it, but that’s what we’re working towards.

“If we can go further in any area, we will. It will be based on advice, but the first thing to do is to reach the first dose at 70 percent.

After being asked whether students would return to class in time for term 4, Mr Andrews said he knew “nothing about distance learning was easy” or preferred, but schools would. as soon as they could, but they had to be safe.

“I want to get the kids back to class as quickly as possible,” he said.

“But what I will say to every parent, whether they are parents of elementary or high school students: I will not send children back to school against the advice of medical experts.”

He said the full roadmap would include information on ventilation in schools and staggered entry times for students.

Children between the ages of 12 and 15 can get the COVID-19 vaccine in Victoria starting Monday.


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