Eat This To Avoid COVID, New Study Finds


In terms of COVID-19 prevention, we know the most proven advice: get vaccinated, wear a face mask in public, respect social distancing. But less known – and perhaps just as important – is how to strengthen the immune system to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. Using solid data from non-COVID-specific studies, experts including Dr Anthony Fauci recommend exercise, reduce stress, and take vitamins C and D. But new research suggests that your daily diet could directly protect you against COVID. Read on to find out more and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You May Have Already Had COVID.


A study analyzed nearly 600,000 people

For a study recently published in Intestine, the researchers examined nearly 600,000 participants in the COVID Symptoms Study, who submitted information to a smartphone app. The participants, who lived in the United States and the United Kingdom, were followed from March to December 2020. At the start of the study, they answered questions about their eating habits before the pandemic. The quality of each person’s diet was assessed using a diet score emphasizing plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables.


What the research found

A smiling young woman having a healthy breakfast in the morning

A smiling young woman having a healthy breakfast in the morning

The study found that people whose diet was plant-based had a lower risk of contracting COVID-19 or becoming seriously ill from the virus. People who ranked in the highest quartile of the diet score had a 9% lower risk of developing COVID – and a 41% lower risk of developing serious illness – than people in the lower quartile.

“These results were consistent across a range of sensitivity analyzes taking into account other healthy behaviors, social determinants of health, and rates of transmission of the virus in the community,” said the study’s lead author, Jordi Merino, Associate Researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital and Instructor at Harvard Medical School. .

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The diet may reduce the risk of COVID

Woman saying no to chocolate cake dessert

Woman saying no to chocolate cake dessert

“While we cannot stress enough the importance of getting vaccinated and wearing a mask in crowded indoor environments, our study suggests that individuals can also potentially reduce their risk of contracting COVID-19 or having poor results paying attention to their diet, “said co-lead author Andrew Chan, gastroenterologist and head of the Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Unit at the MGH.

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This group is particularly at risk

Woman looking into the distance.

Woman looking into the distance.

Researchers found that people of lower socioeconomic status and unhealthy diets had a much higher risk of COVID, more than the sum of the risk of each factor alone. “Our models estimate that almost a third of COVID-19 cases would have been prevented if one of the two exposures – diet or deprivation – had not been present,” Merino said.

The researchers urged that public health strategies be developed to encourage healthy diets. “Our results are a call to governments and stakeholders to prioritize healthy diets and well-being with effective policies, otherwise we risk losing decades of economic progress and a substantial increase in health disparities. “said Merino.

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How to stay safe there

wearing a mask

wearing a mask

Follow the basics and help end this pandemic, no matter where you live: get vaccinated as soon as possible; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear an N95 facial mask, do not travel, do not go far away, avoid large crowds, do not go inside with people you are not safe from (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and to protect your life and the life of others, do not visit any of these 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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