OSHA will likely struggle to enforce Biden vaccine mandate


The Occupational Health and Safety Administration will likely face difficulties in upholding President Joe Biden’s mandate on the COVID-19 vaccine and may have to rely on public shaming of companies, a tactic popularized in the Obama era.

Biden called on OSHA last week to develop a temporary emergency standard that would require employees of companies with 100 or more workers to be vaccinated or tested once a week. Employers could face fines of up to $ 14,000 per violation.

“The mandate affects somewhere between 80 million and 100 million workers, and just because of the large number of employers, that would make enforcement a bit difficult,” said Ian Carleton Schaefer, president of employment law and from the New York job to the Loeb law firm. and Loeb.

OSHA has traditionally relied on employee complaints to determine which companies to inspect. However, the LSST will generally not investigate until several complaints have been filed.

“A big challenge for the implementation of OSHA’s mandates is the fact that OSHA as an agency is historically very underfunded and severely understaffed,” said Jennifer Shinall, professor of law at the ‘Vanderbilt University.


Shinall also noted that employees can only file complaints under OSHA. They cannot sue employers for violating OSHA rules, as they can under many other federal laws.

Another method of execution would be a register in which companies would report the number of employees vaccinated and tested regularly. OSHA could then target companies that either did not comply or were late in complying. However, such a register does not exist at the federal level and the establishment of such a register could lead to many difficulties.

“It would be pretty tedious for the government to put this type of registry in place, and then we’ll tackle all kinds of employee privacy issues,” Schaeffer said. “So that’s a really big question mark that’s still unresolved. There.”

Shinall said OSHA could rely on state and local health departments to create such a registry, but that would likely meet resistance.

“As states oppose these mandates, it’s going to be very difficult to do,” Shinall said.

Perhaps OSHA’s best option is “public humiliation.” During the Obama administration, OSHA pursued a strategy of using press releases to shame companies that incurred the highest levels of OSHA fines, typically $ 40,000 or more.

“Given that this warrant is a highly symbolic action by the federal government, I think the most promising mechanism by which this warrant will work… is public attention or public humiliation,” Shinall said.

A study by Matthew Johnson, a labor economist at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University, found that a single OSHA press release about one company would improve compliance from similar companies. Johnson estimated that the OHSA would need to perform more than 200 inspections to get the same result as with a single press release.

OSHA’s enforcement of the vaccines mandate depends on whether the ETS is upheld by federal courts. OSHA has yet to release the ETS, and its timeline for doing so is not known.

“The bottom line is that OSHA’s track record with regard to temporary emergency standards challenged in court is not good,” said Baruch Fellner, an active retired partner at Gibson law firm. , Dunn and Crutcher. “It’s a very, very high bar for enacting a temporary emergency standard. And this is probably the main difficulty with OSHA.

OSHA issued eight ETSs between 1971 and 1983, according to the Government Accountability Office. Federal courts have struck down or suspended five of these orders. Due to legal difficulties with an ETS, OSHA did not issue another until June of this year, when it issued COVID-19 safety rules for healthcare providers.


Republican governors. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Ron DeSantis of Florida and Brian Kemp of Georgia have previously threatened to challenge the vaccine’s mandate in court.

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Key words: Health, Coronavirus, Biden, Biden Administration, Vaccination, Mandate, OSHA, Kristi Noem, Ron DeSantis, Brian Kemp, GAO

Original author: David Hogberg

Original location: OSHA will likely struggle to enforce Biden vaccine mandate


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