COVID model suggests things are about to get better


– We’re back to gloomy levels, with data from Johns Hopkins University showing more than 2,000 Americans now die from COVID-19 daily, CNN reports – and in its story, health experts fear what is the combination of our current COVID situation and the onset of flu season will bring. But NPR suggests that what is coming might be… not so bad. He’s looked at an analysis prepared by researchers who help the CDC, and it’s hopeful.

The COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Center has developed four possible scenarios for what will happen over the next six months using nine different mathematical models and a group of assumptions (such as’ kids get vaccinated ‘or’ no news variant emerges ”). If those two conditions – yes for children, no to a highly contagious new variant – hold true, the pattern looks good, says the Hub’s Justin Lesser: New infections would follow a steady downward trajectory from around 140,000 per day to 9,000. per day by March, with daily deaths below 100. In this scenario, the United States would have suffered about 780,000 deaths.

A Harvard epidemiologist throws some rain on the parade, saying that while he suspects the pandemic will be “comparatively under control by March,” he says we may see flare-ups before there. arrive, noting that coronaviruses “typically peak in early January.” Meanwhile, ABC News reports that only three states accounted for about a third of COVID deaths suffered last week: Texas, Alabama and Georgia. ( Read more stories about coronaviruses.)


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