New UNLV space designed to incubate big ideas | Information Center


UNLV’s mission to help students bring great ideas to life took a step forward on September 29 with the opening of the UNLV Incubator at the Hughes Center.

The unique space, and a network of faculty coaching and industry support, will help future student entrepreneurs bridge the crucial step in the innovation process between a promising concept and commercial reality.

Think of it like this. UNLV students come up with potentially marketable ideas every day while working in their classrooms, when developing a thesis or dissertation, or during research. Some of the best and brightest concepts end up coming to Black Fire, the UNLV Innovation Accelerator at UNLV Harry Reid Research & Technology Park. But many more drop out before they get there, perhaps because of a lack of funding or because they needed a little extra help figuring out what it takes to start a business or navigate the regulatory landscape.

This is where the incubator comes in. Located in the Hughes Center shopping complex, just northwest of the UNLV campus, the newly opened 5,500 square foot space becomes the bridge – or launching pad – for passing excellent projects. ideas to bold new ventures.

“We have students today who come up with amazing ideas, and some of those ideas can spawn new industries in our state, and others can lead to solutions to big problems,” said Robert Rippee, director executive of the UNLV Incubator and Black. Fire Innovation. “Anyone who has a solution to a problem – regardless of their discipline – we want to integrate it into our innovation ecosystem and help them build a business. My message to the students is: you have a great idea, now let’s do something about it. “

Students and recent graduates are encouraged to apply to the UNLV incubator. If accepted, they will have access to the Hughes Center space, program and professional support network. Although the incubator is only a few days old, the first cohort of 12 students are already hard at work modeling ways to start their business and bring their ideas to market.

Incubate a more resilient economy

The incubator debuts at the perfect time, as southern Nevada redoubles its efforts to diversify and strengthen a local economy hampered by the crippling impact of the pandemic. Combined with the explosive growth of Black Fire – which now partners with more than 70 leading technology and hospitality companies – and the research and teaching on campus, where ideas are formed, UNLV is on point. to play a leading role in the region’s economic rebound.

“We have now built a university-driven innovation ecosystem that serves not only the academic community, but our community more broadly as we seek to diversify our economy and answer the call of our community that has been so devastated. by the economic devastation associated with COVID-19, ”said Bo Bernhard, vice president of economic development at UNLV. “From this building, from this incubator, we will innovate to get out of it. “

UNLV launched the incubator in partnership with EQ Office, which manages the Hughes Center and is repositioning the space to attract and empower the best talent in Las Vegas.

“Las Vegas is a remarkably experiential place and a huge consumer of innovation, particularly in the areas of hospitality, technology and games. We want to invest in this community, help attract and retain key talent in this region, while expanding the start-up ecosystem, ”said Lisa Picard, CEO of EQ Office. “By partnering with leading universities like UNLV that push the boundaries of student-led innovation, we want to be a catalyst for job readiness, entrepreneurial training and, most importantly, the creation of ‘business.

A launching pad for bright ideas

The incubator will also be the UNLV headquarters of the Blackstone Charitable Foundation’s LaunchPad Network, an entrepreneurship and skills-building program that offers scholarships, mentorship, pitch contests, live speaker series and more at 30 participating schools across the country. Lee Business School’s Troesh Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation will manage the partnership for the UNLV.

“These combined efforts tap into the entrepreneurial spirit of UNLV students and will undoubtedly help them strengthen their skills to compete in the global marketplace – and create and increase economic opportunities for others in the process. route, ”said UNLV President Keith E. Whitfield. “We are creating a pool of savvy and innovative business leaders ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century economy.

The UNLV opened its new incubator on September 29 in front of more than 100 university researchers, students, local business leaders and entrepreneurs gathered to mark the occasion. As Rippee said, events like these, and more in the months to come, will allow UNLV to ‘incubate the incubator’, advance networking opportunities and attract creative students. that will deliver on the promise of the university’s burgeoning innovation ecosystem.

And while Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak was unable to attend the event in person, he attended virtually and issued a bold challenge to UNLV students attending the event.

“Stay the course, stay resilient and shape the future of Nevada. We are counting on you.


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