Valley News – Forum, October 2: Opposition to wearing masks is not unique


The opposition to wearing masks is not unique

Forum contributor Brian Meyette honestly presented his position on why he thinks people wear masks (“Masks are just a political statement,” September 28). In his opinion, the Democrats “have chosen to make the virus a purely political matter” and therefore “the masks are only used to make a political statement”, so he and others refuse to wear them “and will never do so. vaccinate “. As 1 in 500 Americans have died from COVID-19, such perceptions of public health decision-making may seem bizarre, but they are widespread on the right.

The opposition to wearing a mask is not unique. It was seen by some as “political” during the 1918 influenza pandemic. Health professionals then and now read scientific journals, not political theory, to decide whether masks or vaccines provide protection against a potentially fatal pathogen. A clear scientific consensus now exists on the benefits of masks and vaccines for protection against SARS-CoV-2. These remarkable vaccines were developed during the Trump administration and Trump himself received one. Our response to the pandemic has been undermined by organized disinformation, conspiracy theories and other nonsense.

In 1981, after being shot, President Ronald Reagan joked with his surgeons, “I hope you’re all Republicans. He did not demand that they remove their masks. Many of us remember a time when those with different political views still shared common narratives and a desire to improve the well-being of our nation. We might disagree deeply with other political views, but it was seen as un-American to denigrate the patriotism of those who supported them. Despite our disagreement, we have not been swayed to view those on the opposing political team as existential threats to our way of life.

To have a healthy nation and quickly overcome this pandemic, we must work together to counter misinformation and reset our political discourse.



What did the scientists, the doctors say?

After reading the letter from Forum contributor Brian Meyette (“Masks are just a political statement,” September 28), I was unsure whether to laugh or cry.

The letter says those who wear a mask make the statement: “I am a shaking Liberal and I look forward to taking orders from the government. The letter also says “If the liberals don’t like it, they should have thought about it when they made the virus a problem of politics and hysteria, not science and medicine.”

Ummm, what did the scientists say about the vaccine? What did the doctors say about the vaccine? Examine it and there will be answers about vaccines and the need to wear masks. And there are some really fun masks with great prints on them!



Trump made the masks a “political statement”

This is in response to a letter from Forum contributor Brian Meyette (“The masks are just a political statement,” September 28). In fact, it was President Donald Trump who made masks, the virus, and failure to do anything a “political statement”: The virus was something Democrats invented. He will be gone at Easter. Just use bleach. If he had done what he should have done, I think he would have been re-elected. But he did not do it. Then he lost.

Trump himself obtained COVID-19. Then he said he was immune because of his natural antibodies, even though scientists say they get the vaccine. But then he secretly got vaccinated at the end of January.

If the masks are just a “political statement”, why were flu deaths so low last season? This is in part because people were wearing masks and taking other precautions.

I have been vaccinated. I always wear a mask. This is because 94% effective means 6% ineffective and I don’t want to take the risk. I am not a “shaky Liberal … eager to take orders from the government.” Do you wear a seat belt? It is an order of government. Have you or your children been vaccinated against polio, mumps and many other diseases to go to school? Another order of government. How about smoking a cigarette in a store? Why shouldn’t a smoker have the “freedom” to do so?

I’m sick of seeing anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers occupying hospital beds so people who need life-saving treatment can’t get it. I’m fed up with anti-vaccines and anti-masks forcing healthcare workers to work harder than they should because they choose to ignore scientists and healthcare professionals. I’m sick of all these people dying. If only they’d taken the vaccine. There are far too many deaths in this country from COVID-19 because the pandemic has been ignored. Hopefully others will wear their masks and get vaccinated. I don’t like that some people seem to be trying to pass the virus on to others because they don’t care.


Corinth East

Maintaining a prejudicial status quo in Lebanon

With reference to the opinion column of September 10 “Lebanon fails to fight racism in our schools”, it seems strange to me that the person in charge of school resources is always stationed in any building. Why is the Lebanon School District paying someone to patrol the halls of primary schools? Or schools? Doesn’t that sound strange?

It would seem, since the school resources officer travels from school to school, that there is only one chance in four that the officer will be in the right place at the right time in an emergency. Seems like a lot of money for these chances. Why not just have another policeman patrolling the city and call when necessary? Or just save money? Even stranger was the argument that we need the officer because he’s a “great guy.” Those who disagreed were not allowed to speak.

Overall, it looks like the MAGA crowd really wants to maintain this nefarious status quo. The superintendent and several school board members either agree with MAGA’s point of view or lack the character to do the right thing and respect the wishes of students of color in Lebanon’s school district.



Sununu’s silence means he’s an accomplice

As the GOP stepped up its current ‘loyalty or otherwise’ campaign using Donald Trump’s social media reach to initiate and disseminate ‘alternative facts’, chaos and division, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu’s continued silence was very revealing. It’s not that he was supporting Trump as a fellow Republican, it’s that he seemed to support everything Trump did or said, no matter how strange. He was and continues to be an accomplice, loyal to the GOP playbook. Two examples come to mind.

I think back to all the fabricated comments, senseless accusations and nonsense Trump spewed out during his four-year tenure. From his lies about immigration, the economy, COVID-19 and “stolen” elections to personal attacks and blatant disrespect for people like John McCain, Harry Reid, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and people with disabilities. To say Trump is just Trump is a cop. Sununu’s refusal to denounce Trump’s actions seemed to proclaim his agreement or that it was acceptable. Silent complicity.

Trump has given voice to pockets of his “base” that support racism, misogyny, sexism and hatred, embracing and even inciting them. Still, there was Sununu’s silence until he was certain Trump was not in power.

Sununu’s silence for four years seemed to say two things: either he was afraid of Trump, or he believed that this segment of the grassroots votes were vital to his own politics. His silence contributed to the division that is now found in New Hampshire and across the country, all in keeping with the GOP’s playbook.

Sununu continues to be an accomplice. The values ​​and beliefs of those he serves certainly don’t seem to be his priority. The GOP’s agenda and its own political interests are. The GOP itself doesn’t know what’s best for New Hampshire. We deserve a leader who has the values ​​and best interests of our state in mind and who does not blindly follow a playbook.

Sununu shouldn’t represent us at any level of New Hampshire government, in my opinion. And those who blindly follow a playbook shouldn’t either.

I still miss the GOP that I know and love.




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