Man’s back surgery resulted in cement piercing heart


– A man who went to the ER with chest pain and shortness of breath was found to have a thin, 4-inch-long piece of cement that pierced his heart. As United States today reports, the problem stemmed from back surgery the 56-year-old had undergone the previous week. Kyphoplasty involves injecting a special type of medical cement into a damaged vertebra to restore its shape, but can be complicated by the cement leaking into the body.

Complications occur in less than 2% of cases, according to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. However, cement leakage was detected in 18.4% of patients who underwent percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty in a 2019 meta-analysis of 22 studies. He noted that the low viscosity of the cement and a high volume of injected cement were important risk factors. In this case, cement had leaked from the vertebrae into the man’s veins, where it had hardened before reaching his heart, according to Live Science.

The man was rushed to surgery after scans showed a foreign body in his heart. According to a report published on Saturday in the New England Journal of Medicine. They were able to remove it and repair the damage to the upper right chamber of the heart, according to Live Science. The man almost fully recovered within a month, the report adds. (Read more Stranger Things Stories.)


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