Vitamin B12 Benefits and Food Sources, According to Dietitians


Vitamin B12 is a key component for a well functioning body. While there are many vitamins and minerals that are essential for our daily well-being, B12 can stand out. After all, it’s responsible for making DNA, keeping the nerve cells in your body healthy, and making red blood cells. And as a result, your body will do its job of reminding you when you’re not quite up to your vitamin B12 intake potential.

Here, we spoke with two leading dietitians to better understand the benefits of vitamin B12, the amounts your body needs, the main food sources, and the signs your body will send out when you don’t get enough B12.

The main benefits of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is central to a wide range of essential functions in your body. “Vitamin B12 is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, for the formation of blood cells and for the synthesis of DNA,” explains Samantha Cassetty, MS, RDN. “B12 is also involved in the production of neurotransmitters that affect your mood, which may explain why some research suggests vitamin B12 may be helpful for people prone to depression.” That said, Cassetty notes, those connections haven’t been firmly established, so be sure to consult your doctor before trying any home remedies for depression or other psychological issues. Below, you’ll find more details on the benefits of vitamin B12 from Jillian Kubala, MS, RD, who previously spoke to Well + Good about it.

1. It can improve brain health and improve cognitive functioning.

Increasing your B12 intake has been shown to help protect your neurological health. “Studies show that having low levels of B12 can adversely affect cognitive health by accelerating neuron loss and negatively affecting brain function,” Kubala explains. “In fact, even low, normal B12 levels can lead to poor cognition.” A study of people with early-stage dementia also found that a combination of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids helped slow mental decline.

2. B12 can increase your energy levels.

Vitamin B12 can also help reduce fatigue and boost your energy levels, Kubala says. But before you start popping them like candy in place of coffee, note that all of the B vitamins play an important role in your body’s energy production, although they themselves don’t necessarily provide any energy. ‘energy. The specific impact of vitamin B12 on energy has only been proven with people who are deficient in the essential vitamin or in low content. looking for.

3. It could improve your mood and mental health.

Kubala agrees with Cassetty’s view of B12 for its health benefits. “Research shows that having low to normal B12 levels increases the risk of depression,” says Kubala. “B12 may improve symptoms of depression and other mood disorders such as anxiety, particularly in people with B12 deficiency or who have low-normal B12 levels.”

4. B12 supports the healthy development of the fetus.

If you are pregnant (or trying to get pregnant), you should especially monitor your B12 levels. “B12 is essential for the development of the central nervous system of the fetus,” explains Kubala. “The rapid growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy greatly increases the requirement for vitamin B12.”

5. Has been shown to aid in bone development and prevention of osteoporosis.

Maintaining an adequate intake of foods rich in vitamin B12 can promote healthy bones. A study of more than 2,500 adults found that those who were deficient also had lower than normal bone mineral density. Additionally, since bones with reduced mineral density are likely to become delicate and brittle over time, leading to an increased risk of osteoporosis, several studies have also found a link between low levels of vitamin B12 and the osteoporosis, especially in women.

How much vitamin B12 should I consume per day?

“The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms [mcg] per day, ”says Keri Gans, RDN. Note that this is the average recommendation for adults, and there are variations in the recommendation depending on gender and health status. For example, for those who are pregnant, Cassetty says the RDA increases to 2.6 micrograms, and for those who are breastfeeding, it is 2.8 micrograms. You should consult a doctor or dietitian to find out your own recommended intake.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency and susceptible populations

When you don’t get enough vitamin B12, your body will definitely let you know. “A common side effect of low vitamin B12 intake is megaloblastic anemia,” Gans explains. “This type of anemia can produce symptoms such as fatigue, pale skin, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, weight loss and dementia.” However, as Cassetty notes, “you don’t want to wait for signs of this to appear.”

Certain groups are more likely to have vitamin B12 deficiency, so knowing your risk factors is essential in taking care of your body. “For example, vitamin B12 is found in foods of animal origin, so vegans and vegetarians should pay close attention to their B12 status and eat fortified foods or take supplements to meet their needs,” says Cassetty. . Also, since you need stomach acid to absorb vitamin B12 from food, Cassetty recommends that people taking medicines to treat GERD specifically ask their doctors to monitor their B12 levels. “A good proportion of people over 50 don’t have enough stomach acid to absorb vitamin B12 from food, so a supplement is often suggested,” adds Cassetty. “And anyone living with a digestive disease, like Crohn’s disease, also puts you at risk for deficiency. If you are in one of these high risk groups, talk to your health care provider to see if it makes sense to take a supplement.

The main food sources of vitamin B12

The good news is that there are many delicious foods that are high in vitamin B12. “Red meat happens to be one of the main sources of B12, and the healthiest way to eat red meat is to choose lean, grass-fed New Zealand red meat,” says Cassetty. “A four-ounce serving of grass-fed ground beef covers 93 percent of your daily vitamin B12 requirement, and it’s richer in other nutrients than grain-fed meat. It is also lower in saturated fat.

For people looking to cut back on red meat, however, there are more than enough other animal-based alternatives. “B12 is also found in seafood, poultry, eggs and yogurt,” adds Cassetty.

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, however, don’t worry, Cassetty recommends Nutritional Enriched Yeast for those who prefer meat. “It has a cheesy flavor and tastes great sprinkled on popcorn or sautéed or roasted vegetables.” Gans adds that beans, tempeh, spinach, and fortified breakfast cereals are also great plant sources of vitamin B12.

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