These Martian dunes look breathtaking in new Mars Rover photo


Everyone knows that Mars has big dunes, but what do they look like? This last photo of Perseverance offers an incredible insight.

The Martian surface is constantly fascinating, and thanks to a new photo of Nasafrom the famous Perseverance rover, this point is once again brought home. For an extremely sterile and dangerous planet for human life, Mars has generated endless fascination over the years. Whether scientists are looking for signs of microscopic life or people believe green aliens are roaming the planet, it’s safe to say that there is enormous interest in what is happening on Mars and the space that is there. ‘surrounded.

Wanting to answer some of the biggest questions on the planet once and for all, NASA has worked hard to try and do so. Curiosity has been tasked with exploring the Gale crater on Mars, InSight is studying the internal makeup of the planet, and Perseverance is researching the ancient life that once lived there. These remote missions take a tremendous amount of time and planning, but the end results are always worth it.

Related: Can You Spot NASA’s Perseverance Rover In This Mars Orbiter Image?

During one of his recent trips to the Martian surface, Perseverance captured and shared the above photo of his dunes. Being the cold and dusty planet that it is, Mars is absolutely filled with these dunes. This particular photo offers an amazing look at just how beautiful they can really be. Perseverance showcases the fine details of Martian dust / sand, varying size of dunes, and detailed patterns caused by the Mars wind. Science has long told us that this is what a large part of Mars looks like, but seeing it up close and personal with these kind of photos is still quite impressive. Perseverance took the photo on September 25, 2021, using its right navigation camera.

Keep an eye out for the Perseverance Week image

Perseverance photo of the rocks of Mars

Photo credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / ASU

If the photo is a few days old, why is it barely in the spotlight? Whenever Perseverance uploads new photos, it does so with hundreds at a time. That’s why after landing on Mars in February, Perseverance has already taken nearly 149,000 different photos. To help people sift through everything and highlight the best of the best, NASA is showcasing a photo each week with its Image of the Week program.

Whenever Perseverance shares new photos, users can view them and vote for which one is their favorite. Once all the votes are counted, the photo with the most votes is shown as the last image of the week. For the week of September 26 through October 2, this dune photo at the top of the article was the winner – and it’s easy to see why. The previous week, the Mars rock photo above was featured as the Picture of the Week. It’s a very different picture, but just as impressive for different reasons. It offers incredible insight into the many rocks on Mars, including their fine details, varying sizes, and more.

Next: How severe flooding made the surface of Mars what it is today

Source: NASA


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