Yes, Microsoft is also updating Notepad for Windows 11


After seeing the WinUI spit shine that it gave Paint in Windows 11, it’s no surprise that Microsoft is giving Notepad a similar update.

“Windows 11 Notepad design leaked by Microsoft engineer and then quickly suppressed,” FireCubeStudios official Twitter account tweeted. “We can see new Fluent Design Windows 11 settings for the application and also a WinUI menu bar.”

This is acceptable to me, as I was concerned that Microsoft would ruin Notepad’s simplicity with a toolbar or command bar of some sort and other unnecessary user interfaces. But it looks like the WinUI-based menu bar is just a cleaner, more scalable version of the regular Notepad menu bar, its only real user interface, similar to what I created earlier with the WPF versions. and UWP from my .NETpad app.

Hopefully that’s all that changes.

Tagged with Notepad


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