Expert advice to lose belly


Belly fat seems to be the most common place that people want to target when they lose weight. And this is not just for the aesthetic; too much belly fat can be dangerous. Visceral fat, the layer of fat in the abdominal cavity that surrounds vital organs, has been linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and PCOS, among other conditions.

If you want to get rid of belly fat, the good news is that you can implement a number of factors related to diet, exercise and lifestyle. The bad news is that you can not target fat loss; every person is different and your body decides where the fat comes from when you lose it (yes, genetics!). So, if you are looking to get rid of belly fat in particular, no amount of crunches will make it go away. But you can lose body fat overall, including your belly.

We spoke with seven weight loss experts, including registered dietitians, certified personal trainers and a doctor to understand in detail how to lose once and for all stubborn belly fat. These tips may not be easy, but with effort and consistency, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals.


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