A full day of Mediterranean diet


  • The Mediterranean diet is the number one diet for 2019.
  • All experts taste fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish and olive oil as part of a healthy diet for the heart.
  • Yes, you can have a glass of red wine at dinner. Remember, all things in moderation.

It's no secret that the Mediterranean Diet is one of the most popular nutrition programs of 2019. The US and World Report ranked it number one and bestowed on it the title of Best Overall Diet . Experts swear by the long list of health benefits, including weight loss, prevention and control of diabetes and dieters flock to the diet relatively easy to follow.

With all this positive press, you may be wondering what combination of foods and meal plans are worth trying Mediterranean diet. INSIDER asked three dietitians to say what a full day of meals would look like in the Mediterranean diet.

Rachel Berman, RD, Executive Director at Verywell

Breakfast: vegetable omelette with whole wheat pita.

"Eggs are an excellent source of protein and are readily available in Mediterranean countries," said Rachel Berman, Dt.P. and executive director of Verywell. In addition, you can garnish your omelette with all the vegetables, but some favorite choices include artichokes, sweet potatoes, onions and zucchini. For a dose of heart-healthy fiber and minerals, Berman includes whole grains as a whole-wheat pita in his breakfast.

Lunch: Mediterranean salad with chickpeas, avocado, pistachios, quinoa and extra virgin olive oil.

Berman said that this lunch brought together many principles of the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in plant foods like legumes, which are an excellent source of protein and fiber, whole grains like quinoa and olive oil. "Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and is widely used in the Mediterranean because of its availability from native olive trees," said Berman. The Mediterranean diet focuses on fresh and local foods.

Snack: Greek yogurt + figs.

"The way Greek yogurt is processed is actually from the Mediterranean region," Berman told INSIDER. It drains liquid whey and leaves a yogurt with a creamy consistency, which, according to Berman, is an excellent source of protein and calcium. "And the figs, whether fresh or dried, add a Mediterranean touch to any dish," she added.

Dinner: Grilled salmon with spinach, tomatoes and whole wheat pasta with basil.

The Mediterranean diet owes its name to the sea. It is therefore natural that fresh fish, such as salmon, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, he added.

Dessert: Baked pear and ounce of dark chocolate.

Like many people who follow this style of eating, Berman said that the Mediterranean diet is a way of life. "It's not a restrictive plan and should be something you can join for life." That's why she always includes a serving of dessert to complete the day.

Emily Wunder, MSCN, RD, LDN and creator of Healthier Taste

Breakfast: Greek yogurt flavored with fresh blueberries and honey.

Fruits are a staple of the Mediterranean diet, and that's why Emily Wunder, MSCN, Dt.P, LDN and Healthier Taste's designer told INSIDER that it was a great way to start the day. As you can enjoy lean dairy products and quality in this respect, she likes to mix her fruit with Greek yogurt. "It helps to add protein while selecting a type of regular yogurt that limits the added sugar," said Wunder. For a little natural sweetness, you can add honey.

Snack: Palm of almonds.

Nuts and peanuts are usually an excellent daily snack. His tip? Ask them for pre-portions so you can grab them on the go and do not overdo it.

Lunch: cereal bowl with farro, butternut squash, spinach, zucchini, feta cheese, oil, red wine vinegar and sunflower seeds.

This hot salad / cereal bowl is one of Wunder's favorite dishes for lunch. "Enjoy whole grains like farro, quinoa and kamut with your favorite vegetables." For cereals, she said to aim for a portion of the size of your clenched fist. And sunflower seeds are a healthy and tasty filling to add more healthy fats to your meal.

Snack: handful of grapes.

Mark Hillary / Flickr

"So many people are looking for a candy in the afternoon, so the grapes are doing a great job to satisfy that craving," Wunder said.

Dinner: Salmon with cauliflower with sauteed garlic, kale salad, whole wheat croutons and a glass of red wine.

"The Mediterranean diet is focused on healthy fats, such as omega-3 fats, and what better way to get them than with salmon," Wunder said. In addition, since this plan gives a good boost to fish and seafood, plan to include this healthy source of protein at least twice a week.

Wunder said to associate this with some tasty vegetable sides and include whole grains as a salad garnish. To top it off, Wunder said to take a glass of wine in moderation. This is defined as one drink a day for women and two a day for men. That said, water is the best drink to drink in the Mediterranean diet.

Breakfast: Toast with avocado with freshly baked bread, crushed avocado and a poached egg.

"It's essential to create balanced meals that incorporate the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats," INSIDER Rachel Fine MS, Dt.R., CSSD, CDN and the owner of To The Pointe Nutrition told IRIN. Fine says that the ideal sources of carbohydrate come from low-processed plant foods such as whole grains (such as faro, barley, oats, wheat berries and buckwheat) and products based on little-processed bread (such as Ezekiel bread) OR locally-baked bread products (local bakers generally do not use highly refined sugar-based additives).

Breakfast: A cereal-based salad with farro, leafy greens and colorful vegetables, a source of lean protein (such as grilled shrimp), an olive oil vinaigrette and feta cheese.

In general, Fine chooses herbal sources (such as quinoa, faro, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds) because they are naturally packed with all the macronutrients: complex carbohydrates (fiber), protein and healthy unsaturated fats for the heart.

With regard to fat, Fine explained that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (also known as alpha-linolenic acid) are essential for health and are found in flax seeds, wild fish and oil canola.

"In addition to their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3s are metabolized to EPA and DHA, powerful nutrients for brain health," she added. In addition, the use of a dressing based on olive oil provides a dose of PMO omega-9 (also known as oleic acid) , which, according to Fine, protects our hearts and reduces overall inflammation. And you can not forget the cheese. Fine said the use of a tasty cheese, such as feta, was a great addition to any meal and contained many flavors.

Having dinner:Fish, such as salmon or wild tuna, associated with a complex carbohydrate and a cooked vegetable.

For Fine, this dinner often looks like fish with lightly fried potatoes, which she jumps quickly with avocado oil and sautéed spinach.

Snacks: Whole fruits accompanied by nut butter or a handful of nuts.

"Snacks are another essential element because they help maintain blood glucose between meals," said Fine. She often chooses a whole fruit (an apple, for example) associated with nut butter or a handful of nuts. When pressed for time, she chooses a bar of fruits and nuts, such as LARA or KIND Pressed Fruit, since both provide a good portion of fiber-rich fruits and healthy fats.

Yogurt with berries is a simple meal.
Celeste Lindell / Flickr


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