Following the success of Bohemian Rhapsody and the star Rami Malek's Oscar winner Freddie Mercury's performance, rumors of a Bohemian Rhapsody suite did not seem so far. Will they make a Rhapsody of Bohemia 2?
Bohemian RhapsodyThe story could continue
The history of Mercury and Queen's has always been fascinating and the filmmakers did an outstanding job putting it on screen last year. Bohemian Rhapsody. The film ends on a positive note with an epic re-enactment of Queen's Live Aid performance in 1985.
Is there more story to tell? At the end of the film, Mercury had announced to his companions that he had AIDS, they had met again to perform again and the singer had reconnected with Jim Hutton, the man with whom he would spend the rest of his life. his life. Mercury has also corrected his relationship with his family. What could more a suite cover?