No Vacancy: Severe Influenza Has Full St. Charles Hospitals


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Influenza leaves St. Charles hospitals out of the room

BEND, Ore. – An increase in the severe form of influenza left St. Charles Health System hospitals at full capacity and forced to wait for patients in the hallways, refer them to other locations and cancel certain surgeries. non-urgent, announced Wednesday officials.

A doctor from the St. Charles Bend Emergency Department said that, along with the flu, weather-related incidents, such as people who fell from the roof or were hit by ice, invaded the house. hospital with patients.

There are so many people this week that patients are waiting for treatment in the hallways or emergencies, instead of quiet rooms upstairs.

"This year's (flu) strain has become what we consider a more virulent or stronger strain." said Dr. William Reed, chief of emergency medicine at St. Charles Bend.

"People are a lot sicker than usual," Reed said. "They need oxygen, so they can not go home, and they need oxygen, so they have to stay in the hospital."

Reed noted that this is not just a problem in Bend or central Oregon, but also at the regional level, as many hospitals in the Portland area, as well as Washington and Idaho, are also full.

If you find yourself sick or injured, Reed asks you to determine if there is a real urgency or urgent need.

If it is not an emergency, the doctor suggests you call your primary care doctor or go to an emergency care clinic.


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