More cases of hepatitis A discovered in the same street of Palm City in Martin County


PALM CITY, Florida – The District 19 Medical Examiner's Office confirmed Thursday that the Palm City spouses, whose deaths were considered suspicious, were the

following complications related to hepatitis A.

Local lawyer Jeffrey Kirsch and his wife Nancy were found dead in their Sunset Trace home.

Shortly after WPTV announced the cause of death, another man approached Meghan McRoberts, claiming that he and his wife had recently been diagnosed with hepatitis A. They live on the same street as Kirsch family.

"I would like an investigation to be conducted to find out where this is coming from," said the man, who did not want to be identified. He provided medical records proving his diagnosis and that of his wife.

He started having symptoms two weeks ago.

"I am always sweaty and exhausted," said the man. He is slowly better. "I got a fever of 103.8 and was completely dehydrated at the place where I had to go to the hospital."

When he went to the hospital, he learned what gave him "flu-like" symptoms. "I came back with a positive test for hepatitis [A]," he said.

His wife began to have symptoms soon after.

"I was completely shocked. The first thing that came to my mind is that I have three children … I worried about them before being worried about myself and they all got the vaccine, "said the man.

They tried to determine where they might have contracted the virus, known to be transmitted through exposure to feces from a person infected with the virus, for example if a person with the virus was infected. Hepatitis A handles food without washing hands or contact.

"When you stay in bed for two weeks, you get bogged down every day trying to figure out where it might come from," said the man.

Hearing the cause of the death of his neighbors deeply worried him and asked him for answers.

"It's scary to know that two people are dead and we are also infected. There could be other people who have them and they do not know yet. "

At least half a dozen members of the Martin County Sheriff's Office went to Kirsch's home when they became ill through a series of welfare checks.

This includes the animal control officers who responded to the house to remove several animals after the discovery of the deceased couple. Medical staff at the sheriff's office oversee the health of these deputies and take the appropriate precautionary health measures.

The Florida Health Department has confirmed that Martin County is currently considered a "high risk" area for the virus and urges people to get vaccinated.

Twelve cases of hepatitis A have been confirmed in Martin County since January 2019. It takes five cases for a county to be considered an area at high risk of hepatitis A.

Doctors say that if you are not vaccinated, you run a risk. Practicing good hygiene and washing your hands often is important.

Symptoms of hepatitis A include fever, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal discomfort and jaundice.

"If you're healthy, most people will not get sick or die, and most people will get the symptoms, but then they'll improve," said Dr. Jamie Snarski of the Palm Medical Center. Beach Gardens.

The incubation period of hepatitis A is 28 days and the symptoms can last for two months.


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