According to a new study, missing eyelids during the application of SPF could expose you to a risk of skin cancer


In recent years, I have tried to make sure that my essential skincare products contain a certain degree of SPF. Of course, the most commonly used product for sunscreen is the moisturizer. But according to a new study, people do not properly apply SPF moisturizer, they lack vital areas that could increase their risk of skin cancer.

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have asked 62 women and 22 men to apply regular sunscreen and SPF moisturizer as their home. With the help of a UV-sensitive camera, each participant took pictures to see which parts of the face were adequately protected and which parts were missing. (The darker the area, the better the protection.)

Results – which have been published in the PLOS One newspaper – showed that 11% of the face was missing when applying a typical sunscreen. The application of moisturizer SPF, however, had a higher percentage with nearly 17% of the missing face. The area that had no product or a thin layer tended to be the eyes. In fact, there was 14% less sun protection around the eyelids and 21% less moisturizer SPF.

According to the author of the study, Austin McCormick, this could be a significant problem because it is the most exposed area to skin cancer. "The skin of the eyelids is very thin and the ultraviolet rays are threatened," he said, adding, "The area around the eyelashes and between the eyelids and the nose is less likely to be covered."

University of Liverpool

McCormick, a consultant surgeon in ophthalmology and oculoplasty, also pointed out that in the UK, eyelid cancers made up 10% of the most common type of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma. What is even more disturbing is that after answering a questionnaire, it was clear that the participants did not know that they were partially unprotected.

The research team has some theories about why these vital areas of the face are missing. The first is the fear of getting a product in your eyes. Experts noted that they had already seen this with sunscreen, but were expecting this fad to subside as far as moisturizers are concerned. Personal experience has taught me that eye moisturizers hurt just as much as sunscreens, so they might want to rethink them.

Another factor related to moisturizers could be that people do not want to waste what can be an expensive product. Plus, moisturizers tend to come in small containers, which means that people are less likely to apply a thick layer.

Miles Studio / Stocksy

Do not forget that an SPF Moisturizer will not offer the same level of protection as a sunscreen, especially if you spend hours outdoors in the sun. "If you plan for prolonged exposure to the sun, we advise you to use sunscreen," McCormick said in a statement. "If you use a moisturizer, we recommend one with an SPF: any SPF is better than nothing, but it should not be considered a sunscreen."

The British Association of Dermatologists suggests using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. To stay on the safe side on a daily basis, apply it 30 minutes before going out in the sun and renew the application. every two hours. If you are exercising or swimming, reapply immediately afterwards.

If you do not want to apply sunscreen on your eyelids or near your eyes, wear UV-filtering sunglasses. Dr. Anjali Mahto, dermatologist, also recommends a mineral sunscreen containing titanium and zinc for sensitive areas, reports HuffPost.


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