A mysterious epidemic of E. Coli in Tennessee


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KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (USA) – We learn more about the outbreak of an epidemic of E. coli infection that spreads across state borders and has left more than 70 people sick. some of which are in eastern Tennessee.

Until now, the cause of this infection is unknown. Of the states reporting cases, there are 21 in Tennessee, 8 in Georgia, 36 in Kentucky, 5 in Ohio and 2 in Virginia.

More | CDC: Mysterious outbreak of E. coli hits 72 people in 5 states, including Tennessee

According to the CDC, no deaths were reported and people became ill on 2 March.

The Knox County Health Department told us that a few weeks ago he had noticed an increase in the number of cases of E. Coli in our community.

"We currently have eight confirmed cases related to this outbreak," said Dr. Martha Buchanan, Director of KCHD.

KCHD told us that two people from eastern Tennessee had been hospitalized because of this outbreak and that the patients were between the ages of 1 and 54 years old.

Doctors are now working with the state, the CDC and patients to try to understand what is causing this disease.

"We have not identified any specific source E. coli is one of the things we get by eating.This is a faecal-oral contaminant.This means that you are eating the bacteria for you So it can be on someone's hands when they serve you to eat or set the table if they do not wash them well when they go to the bathroom. also be contained in poorly cooked foods, "said Dr. Buchanan.

KCHD asks sick patients where they work, where they traveled, where they went, where they ate, among other things to identify a source.

Dr. Buchanan said that the incubation period of E. Coli lasted 3 to 5 days for him to start getting you sick.

"The symptoms of E. coli are: vomiting, diarrhea, especially bloody diarrhea, you will feel cramps and have fever."

KCHD tells us that this strain of E. Coli does not make people so sick and that at this point, it is not necessary to avoid a particular food.

"We do not know what it is and if people follow these basic instructions, which are to wash their hands and cook food until everything is done, they really minimize the risks." "said Dr. Buchanan.

CDCs that add groceries, retailers and restaurants do not need to avoid serving or selling a particular food because they are still working to find out the source.


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