A 38-year-old dying mother with end-stage skin cancer warns of the "culture of the island of love".


A mother of two who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, warned of the dangers of sun worship while she claimed a "tan craze" on Love Island across the UK.

Shellie Clark, 38, was diagnosed with end-stage skin cancer five months ago, while she had never tanned deliberately in the sun.

She has since issued a warning to young fans of the very popular ITV2 show, which she says encourages people to get a tanned look all year round.

Shellie is concerned that the upward trend is increasing the number of cases of skin cancer, especially among the youngest.

This comes after Love Islander, Amy Hart, revealed on Loose Women's ITV that she and other competitors had refused to wear sunscreen, even though producers had been urging them to stay protected.

Shellie – Ethan's mom, 15, and Joshua, 14 – said, "All that Love Island promotes is to be beautiful, but you have to be tanned.

Sheila with her two sons, Ethan and Joshua

"The goal is that you want to go brown, social media is also under pressure to be as beautiful as the body, and I can imagine that skin cancer is going to increase profusely in the world." next two years and that's a concern. "

The former Shellie bar manager added, "I have never loved the sun.I have always kept it covered.I have such a pale skin and I knew very young that everything that I was doing was burned.

"I have never tanned, so I have never tried trying, I have never tried tanning.

"If it can happen to me, which has remained literally covered, it can affect everyone, especially the younger generation."

The former islander Amy told Loose Women last month: "We are given sunscreen, some girls do not think that they will sunbathe with sunscreen, so they use a moisturizer.

"All is well, you are getting tanned now, but what about skin cancer." And they were all "I'll think about that later."

Maidenhead's Shellie Brave, Berks originally had only three months to live because his skin cancer had begun to shake the rest of his body.

Shellie warns against excessive tanning

She had spotted a mole on her calf that had changed but did not know the importance of having it checked. Shellie, who also had a second job as head of self-esteem groups for underprivileged children, also ignored other warning signs that she was not doing well.

These included fat masses, a cold, struggling to get down and could not finish his sentences.

"When I was told that it was melanoma, I had to look for the name," she added.

"I did not know anything about it, I assumed that all the signs would be on your skin and not inside your body."

She now wants to help raise public awareness of the dangers of skin cancer to prevent other families from experiencing what she is.

"Everyone has moles, I have not had the instruction and have not been sufficiently informed of the changes that have been made."

"I really want to influence that.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

"If I had known this little piece of information, it could have been 100% healed."

Unfortunately for Shellie, his cancer spread from the skin to the ovaries, adrenal glands, soft tissues, lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, both breasts, neck glands, and then to his chest. brain.

Shellie – who follows immunotherapy – said that she was trying to stay positive and that her children were giving her strength.

Despite finding her new partner James seven years ago, 36 years ago, she explained that her boys had to grow up without a father in their infancy after their biological father left them. .

She is already present for the anniversary of Joshua in May and that of James last month, which she did not think to see.

The doctors were stunned to live longer than expected and said that she could "break the mold" by fighting cancer in her state of mind.


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