A 4-year-old dies of the flu; first flu-related death in the county this season


A 4-year-old dies of the flu; first flu-related death in the county this season

MGN online

A 4-year-old from Riverside County recently died of the flu, health officials said Wednesday.

The Riverside County University Health System reported that Perris' child, aged 4 and recently deceased, had been tested for influenza. Officials said that the child had underlying health problems and that he died in a medical center outside the county.

This is the first death associated with Influenza Influenza in the 2019-2020 influenza season. According to the county, in 2018-2019, there were nine deaths associated with influenza and in 2017-2018, there were 23 deaths.

"We should never forget that the flu is still killing," said Dr. Cameron Kaiser, Riverside County Public Health Officer. "I always recommend people get the flu shot every year, but a death so early in the flu season suggests that this year could be worse than usual. Our thoughts are with family and loved ones in mourning. "

Kaiser reminded residents that it is not too early to get vaccinated against the flu. Many providers already have this year's vaccine in stock. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that all persons 6 months of age and older be vaccinated against influenza each year. Kaiser added that children ages 8 and under who have not received at least two influenza vaccines in previous seasons may need two vaccines to be fully protected. Consult your primary care provider for more information.

In terms of how to avoid the flu, Kaiser recommends that people wash their hands frequently and avoid getting close to sick people. If you or your child are sick, stay home to avoid going to work or school.

For more information on where flu vaccines are available in Riverside County, visit www.rivcoimm.org.


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