A black hole so big that it should not even exist disconcerts scientists – RT World News


Scientists may have spotted a black hole so huge that it should not even exist, even if they are not quite sure that it is. The mass of the black hole is 100 times greater than that of the Sun.

The potential black hole, which is twice as large as physicists thought possible, was detected by the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors of the European Gravitational Observatory.

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A black hole usually forms when a star collapses after it runs out of fuel, but this only happens when the star's core is less than 50 times the mass of the Sun, says Quanta Magazine. Stars with larger masses, between 50 and 130 times the mass of the Sun, lose material until they are small enough or destroy themselves in a powerful explosion, which means that this new potential black hole challenges what scientists think is possible.

Black holes of more than 130 solar masses can also form when the collapse of their nucleus is too strong to stop. M87 * is an example of a black hole 6.5 billion times the Sun massif.

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Scientists are scratching their heads trying to understand how this large potential new black hole has emerged. According to Qanta, they suspect that the black hole could result from the collision of smaller black holes and their fusion into a gigantic hole. They think that it is possible that somewhere in a dense area of ​​the universe, a black solar mass hole of 30 and 50 merged and that the new black hole then combined with another, this which could explain the detected signals.

The teams of Ligo and Virgo refused to confirm or refute the rumors about the black hole. It has not yet released detailed information on its latest observation period, which began in April. He plans to reveal everything by the spring of 2020. We will have to wait until then to find out if the black hole exists and how it was created.

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