A Colton Underwood fan caught his junk food during an event, which resulted in an early exit


Colton Underwood

A fan caught his junk food

… Virgin Joke Gone Awry

16/02/2019 00:50 PST


Colton UnderwoodHer penis and virginity were criticized during her charity event in San Diego, leaving the "Bachelor" star deeply upset and raped.

The witnesses say to TMZ … during the meeting with Colton, a fan approached him and grabbed his crotch in front of everyone saying, "I'm going to take your virginity."

As we had announced … Colton abbreviated his appearance and pulled the heck out of Dodge before apologizing to his fans for his untimely exit, saying that he was inappropriately touched.

Sources close to Colton told us that he needed a moment to pull himself together after being groped. He then moved away into a VIP area, but then decided that he had enough and that he was gone early. We were told that he felt bad about leaving his fans unfinished, but he just could not continue.

As you know, Colton's virginity has become a endless strike line on "The Bachelor" … but after Wednesday's meeting, we are told that Colton feels that the virgin jokes have finally crossed the line.

The good news for Colton fans … we are told that he's not going to let a bad apple stop him from meeting and greeting, and he hopes his article on social networks will deter fans to become imitators.


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