A comet as big as a tiny planet is heading towards the solar system


A massive comet – so large that scientists had previously mistaken it for a dwarf planet – is rushing through space to our solar system and is expected to arrive in about 10 years, new research has revealed.

Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein is estimated to be 60 to 120 miles in diameter, 1,000 times larger than a traditional comet, astronomers said when announcing its discovery in June. It is arguably the largest comet discovered in modern times, scientists said.

The comet, however, poses no threat to Earth. It will pass the sun as closely as possible in 2031 at a distance of 10.71 astronomical units (au), placing it just beyond Saturn’s orbit.

The comet’s journey began about 40,000 AU from the sun, deep within the mysterious Oort Cloud.

Scientists have said the comet may be the largest Oort cloud object ever to be detected, and it is the first comet on an inbound trajectory to be detected so far away.

Astronomers began studying the object six years ago, when no tail or “coma” typical of comets was detected. Continuous research over the past three years has revealed the presence of a tail, confirming the object as a comet.

Despite being so relatively close and so large, a telescope will still be needed to view the object, the scientists said. It is believed to have never been seen by humans before, prior to our existence on its last flight, but it will come much closer to the sun on this trip, an orbit scan has revealed.

“We are privileged to have discovered perhaps the largest comet ever – or at least larger than any well-studied comet – and to have caught it early enough for people to see it evolve as it evolves. approaches and heats up, ”said Gary Bernstein of the University of Pennsylvania, who discovered the object with his colleague Pedro Bernardinelli.

“He hasn’t visited the solar system for over 3 million years.”


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