A couple who rescued survivors from a California boat fire remembers seeing a ship in flames


Bob looked overboard and saw five people in underwear, he told CNN affiliate KEYT-TV. Then he saw another boat in the distance, completely engulfed by the flames.
Bob and Shirley Hansen

"The flames are probably 30 feet high, they were completely gone," he said. The first thing he did was call the Coast Guard, he said.

The 75-foot commercial dive boat, called Conception, caught fire during Labor Day on the coast of the island of Santa Cruz, in southern California.

The Hansen were able to save the five crew members who made their way to their boat. Eight people have been found dead up to now and 26 are missing.

Shirley said some of the rescued crew members told them about the times on the boat before the fire. One of them said that a 17-year-old girl who was attending Conception was celebrating her birthday with her parents, she said.

"It was a desperate and helpless feeling to watch this ship burn and know that there were only five people aboard our boat and that there had been nothing we can do, "she said. I said.

She also stated that the five people did not have any form of communication – no key or phone – and she hoped that they would receive a lot of help.

Bob told KEYT that he did not think he deserved to be called a hero.

"I was just a guy over there at this place, I hope everyone will do the same thing," Bob said, adding that he wanted to be able to save everyone on board. Design.


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